You will want fast efficient creatures here as well as more copies of cards for drawing consistency. If you have money grab Thragtusk, he is the best creature in standard right now. If you are on a budget, i would suggest Wolfir Avenger $1, Troll Ascetic $2-4, Horned Troll 50 cents, Daggerback Basilisk 50 cents, Llanowar Elves $1-2, Leatherback Baloth $1, Prey Upon 50 cents-$1, Beast Within $1-2, and Giant Growth 50 cents. Some more powerful choices that don't break the bank, there's Vorapede $6-7, Yavimaya Hollow $10-11, Garruk Wildspeaker $7-10, and Elderscale Wurm $4
A strong new take on a classic deck type. good job
The ultimate white aggro deck. 30 1 drops, thats awesome
How would you replace the Mirrodin block and m12 cards now that they're type 1? I suggest Guttersnipe, Thunderbolt, and Arms Dealer. Could you comment on my two goblin decks? one i want to build for standard and i need comments to know if i'm on the right track.
I love goblins too and have a mean vintage deck. Always wondered if Goblins can still compete in type 2. I've got a deck list for a red/blue standard goblin deck, perhaps you could check it out?
You definitely have the creature advantage with Sigarda and Thragtusk, I have a draw advantage for consistency. Granted I have a control advantage, but you can ramp and buff. It would b an interesting match up with lots of options.
No Think Twice or Azorius Charm? Draw spells are essential for consistency. I just made my 1st Bant deck for Standard and would welcome an expert opinion.
Haven't seen a bant deck with this many creatures, and so few spells/removal, it looks like it works very well at tournaments tho. My only suggestion is to sideboard 3 creature spells and maindeck 3 removal spells so you can remove threats more consistently. I'm looking for comments for my Standard Bant deck as i'm new to building Standard Bant.
some excellent old school card choices here too, a well deserved like for your deck
nicely done on budget. This is an interesting idea, how does it do tourney wise?
Pretty solid deck, i'd add Azorius and Selesnya Charms for options, but if you don't need em you're set. Maybe you could comment on my Bant deck, i'm new to the deck type, but want one for standard cuz i keep losing to them.
Im surprised you're using Essence Scatter and Negate in your main deck, i run Syncopate because it can hit any spell. Otherwise this deck looks like a tourney winner. Perhaps you could comment on my Bant deck, i could use your expertise in perfecting it.
Added 4 Thought Scour, an island and a Syncopate, Removed the Keyrunes, sideboarded Dissipate, and Sundering Growth
Im looking for two more Angels, another Smiter, 3 more Detention Spheres, another Tamiyo, and two more Selesnya Charms. Thanks for commenting.
I'd lower the creature count in favor of more draw and control spells. Devil, Zealot, Olivia four of each and you're fine for creatures. Add two more Think Twice, 4 Izzet charms, and 2 Jaces
For sideboard I'd suggest Ultimate Price and Slaughter Games
This appears to b a white aggro deck. Here's a few suggestions to add and these cards are all $5 or less. Honor the Pure pumps your creatures, Path to Exile and Journey to Nowhere add some necessary removal. Drop Planar Cleansing for the faster Day of Judgement, Celestial Crusader flies, pumps your creatures and has Split Second, Fiend Hunter is more removal, and Silence disrupts your opponent to buy you a free turn for one mana. You want to hit hard and fast while using removal to disrupt your opponent. Hopefully this helps you out. If you want deck ideas, you can check my decks out.
Some more Vampires, pricey ones tho. Olivia Voldaren $30, and Falkenrath Aristocrat $22. Some cheaper ones, Blood Artist $3, Anowon, the Ruin Sage $2, Viscera Seer $1, Falkenrath Noble $1, and Captivating Vampire $6. Add Dreadbore to your removal quotient, at $10 its worth every penny. I would trim the deck to 60 cards seeing as you have no draw spells. Hopefully this helps you out.
If you have some money, Gravecrawler, Lord of the Undead, Grave Titan, and Geralf's Messenger are perfect here and run $10-$15 each. If you are on a budget, Cemetery Reaper, Diregraf Ghoul, Endless Ranks of the Dead, and Murder all run $5 or less and are definite upgrades over Zombie Goliath, Consume Spirit, Scourge Servant, and Walking Corpse. If u need ideas check out my Zombie deck
Drop Phantom Beast and add Phantasmal Image
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