Use Brighthearth Banneret it'll speed up ur deck. remove consuming bonfire and save 4 mana with flame slash. 4 damage 2 a creature for R.
Sorin Lord of Innistrad, Ajani Vengeant, and Sarkhan the Mad. they pack punches, spot control, and provide offense. Great spell base with the gold instants and sorceries. get an Angel of Despair 4 another finishing creature
Haven't seen a dwarf deck iin ten yrs. bravo. looks fast and mean. Use Rolling Thunder over Dwarven Catapult
Awesome Idea. Where is Memnite? FREE 1/1 !! Phyrexian Walker free 0/3. Mox Opal would help. Accorder's Shield is free equipment. Mana Crypt is risky but adds a ramp option
Rotlung Reanimater makes dead clerics into ZOMBIES. drop the shieldmages and add mortify 4 much needed point kill. add 2 more Order or Whiteclay. A good deck tho. Last Laugh=EVIL
worthwhile upgrades: Duress, Hymn 2 Tourach, Hypnotic Spectre, Needle Spectre, (has wither), Black Cat, Thrull Surgeon, and Distress. Use Seizan Perverter of truth and Sign in Blood 4 hand refills
replace the enchantments with arc trails.get 2 more warren instigators and drop the spikeshot elder and a land. drop 2 more land 4 forked bolts 2. 24 land is way 2 much. 20 or 21 is plenty.
381-387 of 387 items