Door to Nothingness is pointless here. Drop it for Lightning Greaves.
Why not have early creatures with search effects. Augur of Bolas, Augury Owl, Cryptic Annelid, and Sage of Epityr all find cards and provide blockers.
Replace Pine Barrens with Woodland Cemetery
Replace Brimstone Volley with Gut Shot, and drop Shock for Searing Spear or Krenko's Command. Sideboard Downpour against Aggro, Thunderbolt against fliers, Smelt against Artifacts, and Flashfreeze against red and green. 22 land is still a lot for such a quick lowcost deck, drop 2 land for 2 more delvers. 20 land is plenty for a deck full of 1 and 2 cost cards
Add some mass mana. Sol Ring, Gilded Lotus, Braid of Fire, Verdant Bloom, and Doubling Cube all make lots of mana.
Want tokens? Lingering Souls, Jade Mage, Vhitu-Ghazi the City Tree, Kher Keep, Verdant Embrace, Pollenbright Wings, Army of the Damned, Saproling Symbiosis, Krenko's Command/Dragon Fodder, Bloodline Keeper, Goblin Trenches, Bitterblossom, and Scatter the Seeds all make lots of tokens.
Add Hymn to Tourach, best discard spell ever.
No Voidmage Prodigy? He's fast to play and counters spells.
Dump Nightshade Assassin and Wall of Frost and add a Stronghold Assassin, Kiku, Night's Flower, 2 Stalking Assassins, and 2 Guul Draz Assassins. Start your sideboard with Nekrataal, Deathmark, and Garza's Assassin. Drop Stabbing Pain, add Murder.
Some good stuff for a 1st deck, up your land count to 22 tho cuz you have some high cost cards. Drop a cpl fatties like Bull Cerodan and Firemane Angel and add quicker creatures like Goblin Legionnaire, Skynight Legionnaire, or Cerodan Yearling, and drop Riot Spikes, and Armored Ascension for 2 Dangerous Wagers and 4 lands.
Drop Foresee for Frantic Search ( It costs 2U draw 2 then discard 2 and lets u untap up to 3 lands ). Also add Memnite, its a free 1/1. Liking this deck theme, it looks fun
Arcane Denial and Rune Snag are viable upgrades over Mana Leak and Spell Pierce.
Sideboard Slag Fiend and add Goblin Legionnaire and drop Master's Call for Lightning Helix
Suggestions. Add a Nicol Bolas Planeswalker, Electrolyze, and Ponder
Still mana acceleration never hurts. Llanowar Elves or Abundant Growth speeds you up a full land drop. Also you can find cheaper spiders like Frostweb Spider, and Grappler Spider.
Find Yeva, Natures Herald. 4/4 for 2GG, your creature spells get Flash. Thragtusk is a 5/3 Trample for 4G that gives you a 3/3 Beast token when it dies. Both cards are in m13
A few spells can greatly compliment your slivers. Look for cheap removal like Terminate or Go For The Throat, a few creature and land search cards, Sensei's Divining Top (Soothsaying may b easier to find), or protection cards like Asceticism, or Privileged Position (not hard to find, may run 3-5 bucks each) Sol Ring and Eternal Witness are easily found now in promo legal to use decks, Go For The Throat is everywhere if u have a dollar. Also if u can find one, Grab a Worldly Tutor.
Y not Duress over Mind Rot
other boss 0 and 1 cost stuff thats attainable. Swords to Plowshares, Pithing Needle, Path to Exile, Giant Growth, Tithe, Land Tax, Rogue Elephant, Memnite, Ezuri's Archers, Concordant Crossroads, Rancor, Lotus Petal, Commune With Nature, Worldly Tutor, Avacyn's Pilgrim, Dryad Arbor ( a 1/1 land that makes G ), Mishra's Bauble, Capashen Standard, Standard Bearer, Infantry Veteran, and Icatian Javelineers. All of these cards give some gusto behind the giggles.
Looks good. Creatureless too, as a cruel prank, add an Empty the Warrens
221-240 of 387 items