u could dump all the myr with the right lands. The Urza trio, City of Traitors, Ancient Tomb, Scorched Ruins, Lotus Vale, Temple of the False God, Eye of Ugin, and Eldrazi Temple all provide serious mana boosts, add artifacts like Sol Ring and Mana Vault and u will have a mana machine. Add a couple more Eldrazi such as Spawnsire of Ulamog, Ulamog himself ( Destroys a permanent upon entering play and annihilater 4 ), Kozilek, Butcher of Truth ( Draw 4 cards upon entering play and annihilater 4 ), or All is Dust ( Kill Everything ).
Haha great combo. Since you're using knights may i suggest Haakon, Stromgald Scourge ? Also look 4 Knight of the Holy Nimbus, Knight Exemplar, and Fallen Askari. Find more dual lands as well
add Lim-Dul's High Guard and Manor Skeleton. Sideboard Drudge Spell and Living Death against Wrath of God, Damnation, and mass kill. Sideboard Nekrataal against nonblack, nonartifact creature decks.
drop the zombie tokens 4 spirit tokens. there's more options and cheaper cost. Midnight Haunting and Promise of Bunrei makes lots of tokens 4 cheap. Good choice on Lingering Souls, thats the new token base 4 spirits. Luminescent Angel also adds a finisher.
Use Tinder Wall, Elvish Spirit Guide, Fyndhorn Elves, Lay Of The Land, Growth Spasm, and Lotus Bloom 4 mana ramping. Drop Spawnwrithe, Doomgape, Avenger, Primalcrux, and Jaddi Lifestrider. Add Thorn and Thicket Elemental
Victimize is another potential 15-20 life swap, due 2 if u get an attack in with one 1st. As 4 discarding ur Kokushos, Bog Witch discards em 4 mana, or Hidden Horror which discards 1 to give u a 4/4 for 1BB
Rishadan Port is always a great land 2 have. Quicksand kills fast creatures. Gemstone Mine gives u any mana. Kher Keep makes blockers. Maze of Ith stops attackers.
Looks like fun.
Midnight Haunting, Lingering Souls, Increasing Devotion, and Gather the Townsfolk will add lots of tokens. Also, add 3 lands
U could add Ratcatcher, its a dollar rare, searches out rats and is a 4/4. Lab Rats is a buyback rat token spell, and Bad Moon provides a needed boost.
Add Tinker
Seton, Centaur Druid. Costs 3 and makes lots of mana. Also, Yavimaya Elder, very useful
Get rid of Zombie Brute, Shepherd of Rot, and Woebearer, and add 4 Gravecrawlers, another Zombie Infestation, and 3 Go For The Throats.
One Drop extras 2 think about. Rogue Elephant, Nettle Sentinel, Mtenda Lion, Fyndhorn Elves, Ezuri's Archers, Sensei's Divinin Top, and Might of Old Krosa
Fog of Gnats, Sengir Vampire, Vampire Nighthawk, Falkenrath Noble, Bloodgift Demon, and Rune-Scarred Demon. All useful black fliers
Gamble could help. Lion's Eye Diamond is better for dropping ur hand and faster than Null Brooch. Sideboard wise, use Celestial Purge against black n red, Boil against blue and pyroclasm vs aggro
Get another Nissa Revane, Voice of the Woods, and Viridian Zealot and ur set. Sideboard Ambush Commander, Gaea's Herald, and anti blue n black cards
Add Goblin Lackey or Warren Instigator
Add 3 lands 2 start. Then grab Cemetery Reaper, Death Baron and Lord of the Undead 2 pump up ur zombies. Add Gravecrawler and a couple kill spells. remove the more expensive cards because the cards i mentioned r much faster
Master Apothecary, Sigil of the New Dawn (combo card), Cabal Archon, Rune-Tail Kitsune Ascendant, and Mortify. Have Fun.
341-360 of 387 items