fun delver concept.
Awesome concept. Seismic Assault's ability makes 4 a 2nd Lightning Storm.
Traumatize and Haunting Echoes combo to make enemy libraries vanish.
Thraximunder is a good general however Sedris would b a bit better because he opens up comboes and possibilities.
93 cards, only 25 land? You need to trim some cards. decks are usually 60-65 cards. Trim some creatures. Caregiver, Shrieking Grotesque, Belfry Spirit, Souls of the Faultless, Squadron Hawk, Lionheart Maverick, and Ostiary Thrull. Also drop Pillory of the Sleepless, Shadow Lance, and Culling Sun (Sideboard Culling Sun against Aggro). Drop 2 lands. Add 3 Mortify and 2 Angel of Despair. U now have a 63 card killer deck with no pointless to its gameplan cards, Life drain, a solid creature core, and plenty of Orzhov removal
Makes perfect sense. Buried Alive to put creatures in your graveyard, and Animate Dead or Exhume to put them from your graveyard into play. Patchwork Gnomes gets creatures from your hand to your graveyard so Animate Dead or Exhume can put them into play, its called a really good Reanimator deck, Derp
Entreat the Angels is really expensive. Geist of St Traft or White Sun's Zenith would fill that role at a cheaper price. Keep 1 Entreat the Angels add 1 White Sun's Zenith and 2 Geist of St Trafts.
Augury Owl with Mastermind makes a cheap scry combo, Mastermind and Man-O-War to clear out blockers, and Mastermind with kicker cards for extra effects
Find some phyrexian mana cards like Dismember, Mutagenic Growth, Rain of Blades, Norn's Annex, and Gitaxian Probe because you can pay life instead of colored mana, making 5 colors quicker. Too many top heavy monocolored creatures. Use Chromat instead
Floodgate, Phyrexian Walker, Serendib Sorcerer, Vampire Bats, and Stinging Barrier all have 0 power. Suq-Ata Firewalker does too and has shroud against Red for sideboard purposes. At least add some cheap search cards like Ponder, or Preordain, a kill spell or 2, and a counterspell card or 2 to round out your deck
Contagion Clasp and Contagion Engine would work here
A little creature heavy. I'd sub out 4 creatures for 4 damage spells like Lightning Helix.
Try Lilliana of the Realms instead. More mana, more Nightmares. Btw love this idea.
Drop Shock and Doom Blade for Terminate. Good premise for a deck tho.
Too many Clone style cards. Cemetery Puca works here tho. I'd add 2 more Scarblade Elite, 3 more Cemetery Puca, another Royal Assassin, 4 Preordain, a Stronghold Assassin, and a Silent Assassin, and i'd drop the 4 Evil Twins, the Dimir Doppleganger, the Licid, 2 Frozen Aether, Clone, and the 3 Skill Borrowers
Dont think u failed, but u do need Death Baron, and Duty Bound Dead.
Try Sorin Lord of Innistrad, and Lilliana of the Veil.
Jhoira and Apocalypse. With suspended Gargadon at 1 counter after u sac permanents to the Gargadon when Apocalypse is played from either hand or suspend. Next turn, a 9/7 haste. Any Blue/Red suspend deck should run 3 or 4 Jhoira of the Ghitu.
Mogg War Marshal and Dragon Fodder would give you Goblin tokens for cheap. Perfect for blockers and Grenades. Also use Tarfire over Shock, you can search for it with a Goblin Recruiter, or Goblin Matron.
Myojin is too slow, get Hymn to Tourach. Murder is a great new kill card, and creatures like Nekrataal, Ravenous Rats, Phyexian Obliterater, Fog of Gnats, Phyexian Plaguelord, and Guul Draz Assassin are great disruptive cards. Want opponents to hate you? Use Contaminate, Grave Pact, and Hecatomb
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