Since ur splashing blue, remove the Runebinders and the Undead Warchiefs for 4 draw spells like Brainstorms or Preordains and 3 counter cards like Negate, Arcane Denial, or Vex. Solid deck tho
Good n Quick, Wardriver, Signal Pest, Chieftain and Bushwhacker r smart choices. All u need is Goblin Lackey, Goblin Recruiter, Lightning Bolt, and another Signal Pest and u have a 4 to 6 turn winner. I've played plenty of Goblin Aggro decks similar 2 yours and they're always a good fight. Better than emo vampires, better than knights, POONY HUUMANS, merfolk, myr, zombies, and wolves.
2 Words... Lotus Cobra
Gravecrawler, a 1 drop that never stays dead
Hahahaha. Awesome And Legal. An Eater of days would b a great 5th creature, being an artifact and 9/8 trample and flier for 4. Just orb or stifle its lose 2 turns drawback. Remove 2 Restorations 4 a Tinker and a Trickbind, and remove a Copy Artifact, a Counterspell, a Fabricate and a Restoration for 4 Brainstorms or Preordains. Sideboard the other 3 Restorations, Perish against green, Chill against red, and Arcane Denial. Still Awesome as is
Add Equilibrium. Combined with Gilded Drake its tap 3 take a creature
Doubling Season, ALWAYS fun 4 tokens. Elvish Promenade, Lots of elf tokens. Combo Corner ? Ambush Commander makes your lands elves
All u need is Awakening Zone
Loxodon Heirarch. Life gain and mass regeneration in a 4/4 creature for 4 mana. a G/W necessity. Armadillo Cloak, Path to Exile, Wilt-Leaf Liege, and Watchwolf will all help your deck. Damn good tho 4 a so called n00b deck
Cards with Living Weapon can b fun. Lodestone Myr fits artifact themes Metalcraft also combines with Mishra.
Wheres Myr Matrix and Myr Incubater? I'd remove the mana specific myr for Thran Turbine, Sol Ring, Palladium Myr, Ancient Tomb, City of Traitors, Myr Moonvessel, and Helm of Awakening if u want mana. Otherwise it looks pretty good.
Putrefy, 2 kill a threatening artifact or creature. Otherwise well done
Needs some cheaper zombies. Gravecrawler, Sarcomancy, Diregraf Ghoul and Festering Goblin are all effective 1 drops and Gravecrawler can keep returning 2 play
Gut Shot and gigadrowse r fun in storm decks.
Drop Carnophage, it sucks. Gravecrawler is way more fun. if ur on budget then Diregraf Ghoul will be sufficient . Add Lord of the Undead 2. a good idea 4 Zombie Aggro.
Melira/Phyrexian Unlife combo is cruel, but when u add Soul Conduit... Thats Just....... Awwwful. Ur a masochist indeed. Good Show
Lose the AEther Adepts and add Phantasmal Image. U don't need the bear
I did this deck but used Pandemonium 4 hahas, Phyrexian Arena 4 draw, and Dark Ritual n Sol Ring 4 speed.
Opposition would b fun with all those tokens. Add Mystical Tutor 2 find scouting trek or treasure hunt.
Goblin Lackey, Goblin Recruiter, Tarfire, Ib Halfheart, Goblin Tactician, Dragon Fodder, and Goblin Wardriver would all help. Also 26 land is 2 many. cut 4-6 lands.
361-380 of 387 items