All u need is Wrath of God. With Blood Artist, thats a major life transfer. Good build
Drop Endless Scream and add 3 Putrid Imps
No Goblin Recruiter, Ib Halfheart, Krenko, or Tarfire? If u want ideas, click on my name and see my Goblin deck. Most of its wins happen at turn 4-6, has won 3rd turn a few times too.
Powerful. Nice 3 color Delver build
Grab extra Diregraf Captains, drop the non Zombies and add 4 Gravecrawler
Thats a dirty combo, just like Enron
How about Thragtusk, Troll Ascetic, and Strangleroot Geist
Find Goblin Lackey
Jace Memory Adept would also work in this deck.
add Gut Shot and Gitaxian Probe
No Goblin Wardriver?
Do some budget themes like Delver, Solar Flare, Goblins, Combo, or Control
Looks fast.
Thought Scour is a must. Mills 2 and gives u a draw for 1 mana.
Very Very well thought out. Heres another Trick, Torpor Orb, costs 2 and it prevents creature come into play abilities from happening. 12/12 Dreadnought, 1 mana.
Use Dissipate over Negate and add a Tidal Kraken
Also look at replacing some scry cards with draw spells. Brainstorm, Visions of Beyond, and 2 more Vision Skeins would help over Serum Visions and Preordain
Mind Sculpt mills 7 cards for 2 mana, also Thought Scour mills 2 cards and gives u a draw for 1 mana, they work better than Cathartic Adept and Memory Sluice. Add a Jace Beleren as well.
try some cards with alternative play costs like Mutagenic Growth, Apostle's Blessing, Gut Shot, and Dismember. U can pay life to play these cards
161-180 of 387 items