Try Thundermaw Hellkite
This is a strong deck. Lingering Souls would be perfect here as would Geist of St Traft.
Nice use of normally shunned cards. Epic Experiment and Worldfire usually dont c play where im from. How does this deck do? It looks competitive
I played a Jund deck and beat it. Pillar helps with that. Bonfire is hard to get, it was either Magmaquake, or Killing Wave. Slaughter Games i want more of. Thanks for commenting.
O Ring or Detention Sphere?
Played any fruity pebbles yet?
I'd recommend Mind Funeral over Dream Twist
Lightning Helix ($4) Rith's Charm (50 cents) Naya Charm (64 cents) Bloodbraid Elf ($3.50) and Dauntless Escort ($2.05) r all affordable cards that can boost this deck to a strong competitor.
thats a glitch. put in ten then hold R1 then exit
One helluva control deck. Add Supreme Verdict and you're set
Clever combo. I would drop Shrine and Contagion Engine and a Lux Cannon for 2 more Viscera Seers, a 3rd Portal and 2 Phyrexian Arenas. Still a good combo especially with the budget price
Dont kno how i forgot Thragtusk. I gotta stop getting high.
fifteen direct kill spells can keep hordes from killing me, doesnt matter against most decks if im at 5-10 life when their creatures r dead. 4-6 turns to set up threats seems like a lot, but i find games in my region slower bcuz everyone plays Control or Mid Range decks. Few counterspells, almost no burn or Aggro, and lots of tokens, Planeswalkers, and 3-7 drop cards. I guess I play in a slow environment haha.
You could add some Tutors and kill spells to ensure consistency
I'd add Ib Halfheart. I use him in my Goblins deck. Check it out for ideas, it can win turn 4-8 depending on the hand.
Love it, but no Torpor Orb?
Love the low cost multicolor theme. Looks very fast too.
Great Budget deck. Has solid cards, is competitive, and has a low price tag. Well done
Dangerous Wager makes for a great card with a hand full of flashback n beasts, its there to back up Faithless Looting. I like the combo u mentioned and I should post a prototype deck around it. Thank you for commenting. I mostly do Standard, Draft and Sealed. But if Vintage tournaments pop up, Im there with my Goblins.
Wicked. One well deserved Like
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