Add Phantasmal Image.
My only suggestion is to add Gravecrawler, nicely done especially on an $80 price tag. Check out my Zombies, i need suggestions for it.
Could you comment on my standard Goblins. I want to know if Goblins are still a viable choice for standard play.
Do they allow less than 60 card decks in standard? If you need 8 cards, i suggest 4 Pillar of Flame and 4 Wild Guess
U should grab Donate, Sky Swallower, Brand, Detention Sphere, Electrolyze, Lightning Helix, Arcane Denial, Truce, Lightning Angel, Vision Skeins, Noble Benefactor, and Excavation.
I like this build. My only addition would be Thragtusk
It seems with the pay life for large shadow theme, u will have a lot of games with low life totals, may i suggest phyrexian unlife to protect u in those situations.
Lord of the Undead, Gravecrawler, Undead Warchief, Endless Ranks of the Dead, Death Baron, and Diregraf Ghoul are all Zombie musts. Any of these cards will add significant power to your deck
There is good synergy here. This deck looks fun to play. Thanks for commenting on my Blood Artist deck.
Excellent job. And for under $100 is impressive. How does it do at tournaments?
All u need is Geist of St Traft
looks like a decent start. My 1st deck was way worse than this. Some cheap upgrades i suggest are Strangleroot Geist, Putrefy, Ambush Viper, Dreg Mangler, Ultimate Price, and Slitherhead
Made an upgrade. Dropped Plague of Vermin and added 2 Snake Basket and another Falkenrath Noble
Abrupt Decay can provide you with some removal against early threats
I find its better and cheaper than teleportal. Individual style does dictate card choice tho.
Trim to 60-65 cards, approx 22 lands. Keep to 2 colors. Focus more on the zombie theme. Trim the artifacts, enchantments, the guildgates, Stensia Bloodhall, Traitorous Instinct, and any cards that have other colors other than black/blue. This eliminates 17 cards u dont need and brings u to 62 cards. Add more Gravecrawlers, Diregraf Captains, Ultimate Prices, and Cemetery Reapers. Drop the skaabs, the Duty Bound Dead, Rise From the Grave, Unburial Rites, Sightless Ghoul, and Dead Reveler.
Try Glimpse the Unthinkable and Mind Funeral. Both mill lots of cards for 2 and 3 mana respectively. Add 3 more Thought Scours, their draw is crucial. Drop Dreadwaters, Peel From Reality, and Rewind and Ravenous Rats as they dont fit the mill theme.
good zombie deck on a $75 budget. If u got some money, Gravecrawler would b a perfect addition
Nice choice of General. This deck looks powerful
Drop Reverberate for more lands. This deck type needs 23 lands to run smoothly. A Liliana of the Veil fits here too
21-40 of 387 items