
318 Decks, 493 Comments, 90 Reputation

Just a heads up Couch, the deck you posted is set to private. Was gonna check it out, and was denied. Figured I'd pass on the information.

Posted 08 March 2016 at 21:28 in reply to #576501 on Hating the Menace


The reason ppl are complaining, myself included, is because now decks have to be too "specific" to counteract these decks. Twin was rough yeah, but there were so many ways to deal with their combo it wasn't really an issue. Paths, chokes, bolts, nature's claim, dismember, etc. These eldrazi decks are dropping in chalice on turn one for one, or turn two for two and then dropping in one-two 5/5s or better turn two-three. Not to mention, mainboarding quite a bit of graveyard hate cards like relic. Obviously there's ways around it, but they're limited and so now if you want to stand any kind of a chance, you get like three decks to choose from.

Posted 29 February 2016 at 16:22 in reply to #576425 on Hating the Menace


It probably wasn't the fact that you support them, it's more than likely the attitude you've been giving off about it. Being hateful, intentional or not, isn't going to catch a lot of positive attention. Just a thought. I personally don't really like their builds, but that's because I'm not a huge fan of casual. Nothing against them personally, just don't see the point in casual anymore ever since I've started playing competively.

Posted 01 January 2016 at 22:38 in reply to #570044 on Top 10 Most Liked Decks


Cut a land or two and possibly godsend? I get why it's there, but at the same time the slot could be better utilized.

Posted 21 December 2015 at 18:16 in reply to #570649 on Anti-EDH EDH


For starters, you have one too many cards (99+commander = 100). Secondly, restore balance could fit? Or you could always be "that guy" and use worldslayer? (lol)

Posted 21 December 2015 at 06:48 as a comment on Anti-EDH EDH


NorthenWarlord makes great "budget" decks, no argument there, but that's about it. I don't think I've seen him make an actual "tourney worthy" deck on here. Not to say he couldn't, but that might play a part in why he isn't top 10? Most ppl want to see competitive decks to get ideas, and to build from those ideas. Or at least that's my outlook on the matter. On the topic of the hot page; unfortunately it's usually overflowing with casual decks, or "forum decks" such as these, which makes it a bit rough to give deserving decks any kind of recognition.

Posted 16 December 2015 at 02:41 in reply to #570044 on Top 10 Most Liked Decks


Could role the infinite combo with kitchen finks and anafenza as well. Finks would fit with title of the deck.

Posted 12 October 2015 at 16:42 in reply to #564382 on Cutthroat Kitchen [Modern]


I agree. Just figured I'd get a second opinion on the matter.

Posted 12 January 2015 at 05:49 in reply to #526556 on Jeskai Delver


That's all it is around here, is some variant of either delver or goyf. Goyf himself wasn't an issue, it was just the amount of removal in those builds. I could get them down to 10 or less life, but then they'd just remove delver from the field, which I'd then try to leak or remand the kill spell, but they'd just have the mana to either cast it again or pay the 3. Though I didn't even think about the benefits of them using their removal on the tokens i suppose. Now my question is what are your opinions on the new card that gives you tokens with prowess vs. pyromancer?

Posted 07 January 2015 at 19:08 in reply to #526556 on Jeskai Delver


As for the +1, I appreciate it, but that's not why I post my decks. I enjoy the constructive criticism, and the debates over different cards and their versatility. Though, I did just have this conversation on a different post. The only reason this deck won't see the front page is because it's not "budget."

Posted 06 January 2015 at 23:36 in reply to #526556 on Jeskai Delver


I'll consider swapping something for pyromancer. The only reason it wasn't in here was because I felt like the slot could be better utilized. Yeah you get 1/1 tokens, but doesn't mean much to a maelstrom pulse or d-sphere, which I seen a lot of in that tournament. Everyone seemed to he using an abzan goyf build which just kinda wrecked my day with maelstrom and thoughtsieze.

Posted 06 January 2015 at 23:32 in reply to #526556 on Jeskai Delver


Well I just went to a scg tournament, but I used just a u/w delver just to try it out. Uh I lost, a lot. Though it was mostly because the deck didn't put out enough damage. The main problem areas were control and any kind of lifegain. So I plan on taking this build to a fnm at some point, in hopes that it might play faster, and put out more damage.

Posted 05 January 2015 at 21:02 in reply to #526556 on Jeskai Delver


How wouldn't they? Vexing is good in literally anything red. As for rift, it gets suspended after casting it, so how isn't that good?

Posted 02 January 2015 at 06:28 in reply to #526518 on Soulfire Grand Master


If you did go r/w/u, electrolyze and delver wouldn't be bad choices. For just r/w though, maybe some vexing devils or/and rift bolt?

Posted 02 January 2015 at 01:25 as a comment on Soulfire Grand Master


I do like that idea. Thanks for the input.

Posted 31 December 2014 at 19:44 in reply to #526034 on Jeskai Delver


Sounds interesting. I don't care for Skype enough to try it, but more power to those who do! It's pretty cool that ppl are getting that into mtg I suppose.

Posted 31 December 2014 at 06:44 in reply to #526016 on Budget Decks: Jeskai Funtime


On a side note, looks pretty solid for a budget. Made a not so budget version myself;

Posted 31 December 2014 at 06:24 as a comment on Budget Decks: Jeskai Funtime


That's a thing..?

Posted 31 December 2014 at 06:20 in reply to #526016 on Budget Decks: Jeskai Funtime


Until I care enough to look for something better, it sure does. Thanks for the input though.

Posted 27 December 2014 at 14:16 in reply to #524894 on Pest Infestation


Eh idk about growing ranks just because I feel like it'd slow the deck down, though I was kinda thinking maybe rancor or something.

Posted 27 December 2014 at 08:23 in reply to #524894 on Pest Infestation


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