Yeah I didn't see it doing much good here either. I just enjoy that combo. Just another suggestion, though it'd be kinda rough, but Divinity of Pride over Primalcrux maybe? It'd cost five white here, but it'd work with Springjack Shepherd and Light from Within?
Greater Auramancy with Privileged Position is a nice combo. Though, Idk how useful it'd be here.
Not really.. It'd slow it down yeah, but it wouldn't necessarily beat it. They do have removal, and they can sb more removal or counter spells.
I still don't really get it.. I assumed that it entering the grave auto triggered the shuffle so it doesn't technically go onto the stack does it? I always have issues understanding the word play on certain cards..
No it's just when they die in general, as long as they ate the 2. Though I might drop a couple for some other removal. Thanks for the posts.
Though it's still mono black, at least you went your own way with it. I'd suggest dropping either a couple Pharika's Cure or Doom Blade for a couple bile blight maybe? Also, if you plan on using Herald of Torment as an aura I'd just drop him since most of your creatures have flying already. Just my opinions though.
Thanks for the suggestions. If you end up making it, let me know how well it works for you.
Fireshrieker is the name of it.
Both black cards have the pay 2 life symbol which is why I suggested them.
Ghostly prison? Kind of redundant with the annex, but it's a little cheaper to play. Some other ideas would be surgical extraction, Dismember, Loxodon Gatekeeper and/or Grand Abolisher?
I do apologize, didn't see them there.
I attempted a b/w control deck a while ago, though I just updated it. I was going more for casual play though..
Could just path to exile?
I came up with a couple, but I don't think they come anywhere close to this.
Yep. Imperial Recruiter and at least Ancient Tomb are pretty much a necessity in this deck as well, and with those four cards alone you're looking at about $300-$600 I believe.
This deck seems pretty solid. The only thing I can think to add is maybe sb some spot removal and/or hand control? Hero's downfall, thoughtseize, duress, etc.
Yeah it does. There's so many ways to utilize his ability. I've been trying to make a "budget" legacy deck similar to this for a while now.
The only issue I want to address, and I may be wrong, but wouldn't this be terribly slow..? Most of the lands come into play tapped and require a set amount of mana to become creatures. So in theory you'd be in a pretty bad position by time you get to do much, at least more than half the time I'd assume? Just my theory though, as I said, I could be wrong.
That'd only be 12 total. He would've been a 6/6 with ds, hexproof and trample. Which is still kind of scary, but it'd require 7 mana on the field, or 2-3 turns to pull off.
Could do a couple Ætherling or Kalonian Hydra just for another win con? Maybe Chorus of the Tides, Trident Hunter or Oracle's Insight for getting the combo?
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