Alright just wanted to clarify.
Any budget restrictions?
Was already getting it started.
Sorry to rain on this decks thunder, but I was wondering if I could get some suggestions on building a deck? I want to make a competitive modern deck based around Garruk, Apex Predator. The colors obviously have to at least be g/b, but i was thinking of going either Sultai or Abzan ( Just wanted to use the new names ). I was thinking of doing a kind of "midrange" while using hydras in combination with Jarad. Nothing's set in stone, I'd just really like it to be built around Garruk, and still keep it somewhat cheap ( Under $300 preferably ).
Rancor? I know some of them have trample, but not all.
Bribery. Just because Id love to see it reprinted in like either modern masters or one of the from the vaults with better artwork.
There's counterspell or vapor snag, I'm not really sure on modern legal burn spells. You could throw in draw like serum visions?
Yeah I don't see the point in wasting the sb space for that and forest. Those spots could be better utilized with more removal, counterspells, etc.
Also true. Forgot about Fauna for whatever reason.
Here's my old standard i had when varolz first came out, focused more on scavenging onto varolz himself though. I also designed a casual play scavenge deck on here as well,
Revised edition;
Just to explain nirkana, it combos nice with Urborg. As for killing wave vs deluge, most of the creatures I'll be facing are pretty hefty so with no lifegain it might hurt worse then it'd help. I do enjoy some of the suggestions though, and I'll try construct another version using all the feedback.
I agree with the Rancor suggestion, but the scout was explained in above comments.
I had bioshift in here, but it just didn't seem to put out a lot of +1 counters to justify its usage.
Thanks, ill look into those. I appreciate the suggestions.
Be ruthless, constructive criticism is the best kind.
Jarad's orders might not be bad. Put a fatty in the grave and grab one of your main creatures?
So i apologize for doing this here, but here it goes. I'm currently trying to make a b/u/g edh deck around the mimeoplasm. I was trying to come up with a way to abuse the grave but still keep my hydra theme since I'm just converting my u/g vorel edh. The issue I'm running into is only me and one other player are usually the only ones that keep a hefty grave since the others run 2 of the 3 main eldrazi. The other player runs mostly sorceries and instants though. So I'm asking for any and all advice.. As for budget, as long as I can keep it between $200-$300 midrange that'd be great. Id appreciate any help.
There's definitely better than kiln fiend. I can't remember names atm, but there's the elemental that doubles the damage of burn spells, and the satyr in the theros block that does something similar. Also, if its just casual then lightning bolts and shocks are great burn spells. Mana leak, spell pierce and vapor snag or unsummon are great for control.
Our group always uses suntail hawk or fogbank for our mtg jokes..
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