My contribution,
Any specific format? Same rules for flashback, x costs, etc?
No one can delete someone else's comments unless it's their deck, as far as I know of. I just copied and pasted into the comment section, where they deleted they're previous comments.
Definitely need some kind of removal. As mentioned before, yeah you have the lifegain, but that won't save you from getting smacked repeatedly by a decent sized creature or repeat burn spells. Path to exile, condemn, swords to plowshare are all one drop white removal cards. As for the burn, the only thing I can really think of is mana tithe which will really only help you early on in this one drop challenge. Also, you could throw in emeria, sky ruin?
I'm having the same issue.. It all downloaded, but I can't open the program itself?
I made something similar actually, but I used Blackmail over Raven's crime?
Well I put Bump in the night in the sb of my b/w one drop I just made, but I don't intend on ever using the flashback ability? Though I agree with the buyback and flashback, they don't really fall into place with what you're going for here. At the same time, it's the same for kicker costs. Yeah they're optional, but so are buyback/flashback costs? SO yeah definitely a bit tricky to put a final say on the matter. In my opinion, if one isn't allowed, then the others shouldn't be allowed either since it all technically falls into the same situation.
What I came up with..
I'm assuming we're just giving this individual a hard time?
TheSwarmer has deleted this comment.
I personally enjoyed that first comment from Logazor.. I was so confused, and yet I was loving every second of it..
Suspend is such a fun engine. My buddy and I designed this modern deck around it, idea is to use Jhoira to suspend Worldfire and then next turn suspend lightning bolt, or a creature, so it goes off after Worldfire for the win.
It's not free, it's still two mana. Yeah it pays for itself, but what does it do for the deck outside of that? You play it, set off Nykthos and guess what, now you have two mana again; assuming it's the only creature out. Or you get a 2/2 chump blocker? There's better for this deck. With Xenagos out you could make it a 4/4 with haste, but yet again, there's better for this deck.
Ill check it out.
You should try to build one around doubling season, if you haven't already.
Running 2 copies doesn't diminish the cards usefulness. It could mean any number of things. I wouldn't run 4 copies of any legendary, unless it's a key component to the deck, or otherwise you'll just clog your hand. I run 2-3 copies of different cards in my control/midrange builds just because it allows you to utilize more cards and helps curve out the mana a little. (Yes I know running 4 cmcs 4 is the same as running 2 different sets of 2 cmcs 4.) Now in like aggro build, yeah I'd just pick the best for the job and go balls deep with the full playsets. Basically, in my opinion, it just all depends on the build and the individual's play style.
Yeah all that's too much.. Four worldeaters would just clog your hand, and there's better than ravager if you're not concerned with budget. Broodmaster is awesome, but once again there's better cards out there. Two's enough.
I think it works. It's really either that or nylea and the architype is cheaper and has a lower cmc. You could throw in a rogues passage as well just for another means to push damage through.
Edit - It's been a while since I've went to a card shop, and apparently they've went up since then considering they're $50 on starcity..
Jeez, my local card shop has a couple for $20 a piece. Last I checked anyways.
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