Tis done. Thanks for the input.
Forgot about it being a sorcery. I play mostly EDH, and exiling pretty much everything is almost a necessity when we play. Most of the removal in all our decks pretty much revolves around exile this or that lol.
Suggestions on what to replace?
Why not revoke existence over disenchant?
Thanks for the suggestions.
On a side note, attempted a budget deck of my own;http://www.mtgvault.com/dharr16/decks/budget-deck-pet-cemetery/
Lol. I used the hate the Pet Cemetarys as a child. The dog gave me nightmares.
What about weapon surge? I believe that's what its called. Also the red paragon in 2015 would be good as well.
I do like that. I think ill sb sever the bloodline and throw that in its place.
True. Well at best they'd be 5/5s, but yeah not really worth the card slot.
Not really necessary, but maybe a copy of Purphorous himself? Two damage for every hornet. Or Door of destinies to beef them? As I said, not really necessary, but it might be kinda interesting.
Caller of beasts makes a little more sense. I'd probably give him the edge as well, only because his cmc and I like his ultimate a little more than the new Garruk's.
He's only 2 more to play, which isn't a big deal for green and it's ramp, and I said they were even in their pros and cons, which I'd consider that a con. Just like primals cmc con would be the fact he costs 3 forest. Not a problem for mono green, but multi color decks might have a little more trouble. All in all, I'd stick with they're pretty even. Though, to each their own. The thing I really enjoy about the new Garruk though is the fact you can either remove another planeswalker 1st turn, or another threat such as Desecration Demon, or some other creature.
I'd argue with that. Yeah as soon as he hits you could get a nice draw in, but as soon as the new Garruk hits primals gone. Or you can get rid of another threat. I'd say they're pretty even, as far as pros and cons go.
Its kind of ridiculously OPed..
That was supposed to say "On a side note," not "now," but yeah as long as meddling mage is on the field it's ability is in affect, but that's what bothers me cause the wording on the card doesn't specify. The rulings do, but the card doesn't. I mean I guess it'd be safe to assume that the effect would go away with meddling mage, but I'd just prefer it if they'd specify more to avoid technicalities.
Doomed traveler would combo nice with Requiem Angel too.
I've been playing since Ravnica city of guilds and I only did casual at first. I then met someone whom attempted to get me into standard (this was during the avacyn block) and I realized I was doing A LOT wrong. So I can see where it's hard to understand certain aspects and rulings of certain things. Though, in this case, even I agree with the assumption that this combo would work. I mean it's all pretty straight forward, if you're life total goes down for any reason then you've obviously lost life. Just like if for whatever reason you're life total increases, then you've gained life. There's no gray areas there really. On a side now, Meddling Mage's rulings/wording has always bothered me. The wording suggests that the effect should be permanent, but the rulings say otherwise and that's always bothered me..
Here's one I seen a while back, I didn't have any part in making it but I figured I'd share it.http://www.mtgvault.com/rydon99/decks/one-drop-edh/
Wild guess or faithless looting for draw?
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