
1,290 Decks, 4,874 Comments, 1,241 Reputation

Never been a fan of Immerwolf and Huntmaster being in the same deck. They feel counter productive.

I haven't had a chance to play with or against Moonlight Hunt, so I can't quite gauge its usefulness.

Evolution Charm is interesting. The flying option is hilarious, but the land search feels underwhelming.

Overall, not a bad build.

Posted 05 October 2018 at 21:24 as a comment on Moon doggies


Ye, the curve does concern me. But there wasn't many 2 mana wolves or werewolves that fit my vision for the deck. Though I can see Duskwatch Recruiter taking Breakneck Rider spot (and maybe dropping Kruin Outlaw for the 4th Recruiter).

Lambholt Pacifist may be worth considering too...

Posted 05 October 2018 at 21:18 in reply to #618388 on Howling at the Moon


Interesting take on Elf Warriors. Quite different from my builds (I have a mono Green and a GW Revolt based version). I've yet to get Pelt Collector to test them in mine, but they look like an awesome addition.

Posted 05 October 2018 at 14:59 as a comment on Modern Warrior Elves II


Oh, didn't realise that. I suggested Shock because it's a premium burn spell players are likely to come across, and easy to understand how it works, so (imo) a good card for beginners (and veterans). Also a good teaching tool for different ways to use the same card.

Posted 05 October 2018 at 11:52 in reply to #618333 on Budget Decks: Boros Newbie


Lol, I didn't notice that. Fixing it now.

Posted 04 October 2018 at 19:29 in reply to #618351 on Elvish Torment


No Shock?

Posted 04 October 2018 at 12:48 as a comment on Budget Decks: Boros Newbie


I like the Blasting Station + Undying / Persist + Solemnity idea :)

Posted 21 August 2018 at 11:23 in reply to #617303 on Abzan Undying


If Solemnity keeping counters off the creatures is the combo, you may want to look into creatures with Persist too.
Another combo piece you may like is Phyrexian Unlife, which can keep you in the game until they remove Phyrexian Unlife.
Also Idyllic Tutor can search for both enchantments. Dimir Machinations can Transmute for them too.

Posted 21 August 2018 at 06:53 as a comment on Abzan Undying


This deck may want Hardened Scales and Gavony Township.

Posted 14 August 2018 at 08:08 as a comment on Forces of Much Renown


Adding a description, filling out"How to Play", and adding tags helps a lot to get feedback

Posted 11 August 2018 at 17:11 as a comment on Mono Red Creature Storm


[[Flayer Husk]] doesn't add to the overall gameplan.

Posted 10 August 2018 at 15:20 in reply to #617004 on U/G: Crab Mill


[[Dreadwaters]] is worth considering. Works with the land ramp side of the deck. But I guess the same could be true for [[Increasing Confusion]], [[Blue Sun's Zenith]], and/or [[Fascination]].

Posted 09 August 2018 at 21:16 as a comment on U/G: Crab Mill


Something to keep in mind if that scenario ever comes up. Stranger things have happened.

Posted 08 August 2018 at 20:33 in reply to #616974 on Discussion:Viashino Pyromancer


I can see a Panharmonicon / Naban deck taking full advantage of the Viashino's ETB.

Posted 08 August 2018 at 07:35 in reply to #616958 on Discussion:Viashino Pyromancer


It definitely won't be able to compete with its rare / mythic brethren, but I think it being a Wizard might be relevant in some cases. I'm willing to see if I can make a "budget" mono red Wizard Burn deck, which the Viashino would be a strong addition to not only ping for 2, but be another body to turn Wizard's Lightning into another Bolt.

But beyond interactions like that, Snappy and Eidolon outclass it and earn their higher rarities (and then some).

Posted 08 August 2018 at 07:21 as a comment on Discussion:Viashino Pyromancer


Lashwrithe is another Nightmare Lash.
Strata Scythe is another like Lashwrithe / Nightmare Lash / Blackblade Reforged.
Sword of the Animist, like Explorer's Scope, help fuel the equipment that care for lands.
Journeyer's Kite is a non-equipment that helps guarantee a land drop every turn.
Golem-Skin Gauntlets works similarly to Cranial Plating.
Expedition Map is a good idea too. It can fetch a missing Tron piece, or any other nonbasic you may want.
Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth can turn all your nonbasics into Swamps, adding to the power of some of your equipment.

Posted 06 August 2018 at 16:19 as a comment on Yargle equipment


Panglacial Wurm has always been a weird one because you still have to pay for its cmc. That said, there's a few ideas I just had.

Your already using the 1 mana / 0 mana land search trick.

Wild Pair is an interesting combo piece. It doesn't work with Arbor Dryad (because you don't cast the Dryad) or a Wurm cast from the deck, but if you play a BoP, you get to search for another BoP, meaning you get the search trigger on the Wurm.

And a cool rule to use in all search cases, you can always "fail to find" and still get to play the Wurm.

Posted 03 August 2018 at 05:33 as a comment on wurm!


The Wurm has cycling, making it not as bad in the early game.

Posted 02 August 2018 at 05:37 in reply to #616797 on Baby Ponza


Pillage was printed as a common in Masters 25. Up side, Pillage hits artifacts too, but down side is it's cmc has 2 red, making it worse than Thermokarst / Stone Rain as a turn 2 play. Similarly, Molten Rain has the up side of dealing damage if the land was nonbasic, but has the same double red downside.

Posted 02 August 2018 at 05:37 as a comment on Baby Ponza


Seal of Strength Is not Modern legal.

Blossoming Defense is more a sideboard card, IMO. Vines of Vastwood might be better here as the creatures are already big, and Vines has a fringe up side of being able to make the opponent's creature untargetable for the turn, often "countering" the effect that would kill you.

Asceticism is one of those cards that seems good on paper, but the turn you play it, it's a 5 mana do nothing. Personally, I'd prefer progressing my board.

Khalni Hydra was suggested earlier. It is a great devotion tool, but requires a lot of smaller creatures to take full advantage of.

BoP is great with Champion of Lambholt and with Vigor, but that feels like a different build for another time.

Posted 01 August 2018 at 06:01 in reply to #616701 on Devoted to Ghalta


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