
1,290 Decks, 4,874 Comments, 1,241 Reputation

I like the idea. Reminds me of my Abzan enchantment list. You might be able to get some ideas from it:

Posted 02 January 2020 at 21:16 as a comment on Doom Pact


Considering the deck name and tags, I think that the [[Young Pyromancer]] + [[Monastery Mentor]] package is too far off theme. Going by the deck name and tags, you may want to consider the following:

[[Pillar of Origins]] on Dragons and [[Sarkhan, Fireblood]] helps you ramp into the higher cost of dragons, and with mana fixing.
[[Dragon's Hoard]] ramps and mana fixes. It also gives you some card draw.
[[Haven of the Spirit Dragon]] also helps with the different mana cost of your dragons.
[[Thunderbreak Regent]] punishes the opponent for targeting any of your dragons.
[[Stormbreath Dragon]] has protection from white, so cards like [[Teferi, Time Raveler]] or [[Declaration in Stone]] can't remove it.
[[Dragonlord Kolaghan]] gives haste to all your creatures without haste.

Posted 02 January 2020 at 21:14 as a comment on R/B Dragons


I'm aware [[Kessig Prowler]] can transform into a 4/4 for {4}{G}, but I personally prefer [[Dryad Militant]] as my go to one mana 2/1 for green. The static ability to exile instants and sorceries, including the instant / sorcery that kills the Militant. This helps hinder decks that try to use delve cards like [[Dig Through Time]] or [[Tasigur, the Golden Fang]].

Otherwise, I like what you're doing here, though some of your cards might work better as sideboard cards, which would allow you to add more copies of other cards. Eg: put [[Witchstalker]] in sideboard and include another copy of the uncounterable [[Loxodon Smiter]].

Posted 02 January 2020 at 20:55 as a comment on Selesnya Stompy


Love your comment about the Tron piece. Reminds me how much I love slow rolling [[Damping Sphere]] VS Tron :p

Posted 03 July 2019 at 13:10 as a comment on 9 Racks and 1 Spirit


List looks solid. You're already aware of the grave hate, but I believe it's inclusion ebs with the popularity of Dredge (and now [[Hogaak, Arisen Necropolis]] decks). ie: grave hate becomes too much: these decks get shelved, grave hate lessens: these decks come back.

I was king of expecting to see [[Maelstrom Pulse]] somewhere in the 75, and am surprised not to see it. Is 3 mana too expensive?

Posted 28 June 2019 at 11:50 as a comment on Golgari-Ish Modern Loam Pox


A bit of both actually. While I don't currently have the Modern Horizons cards, I do have a Assault Loam deck with [[Molten Vortex]] as a backup [[Seismic Assault]]. Seismic Assault and [[Ayula's Influence]] work slightly differently, with Assault getting in direct damage and immediate results and Influence giving (potentially) repeating damage and blockers. So I feel maximizing both almost guarantees that I have the options to fit the situation.

[[Ruination Rioter]] is a possible addition, but it's fighting for [[Countryside Crusher]]'s slot. This will depend on how removal heavy / light the meta is.

The include of [[Barren Moor]]' s kin is actually the main reason I decided to "update" my Assault Loam list to this. I'd love to take a look at your Modern Loam Pox list.

Posted 28 June 2019 at 11:16 in reply to #625815 on Ayula's Assault


Ye, I understand. The main reasons I have for [[Virulent Sliver]] and [[Sidewinder Sliver]] are that they're 1 drops, which helps keep my curve low, which is good for an aggro list. Their effects are only secondary.

Also, I refuse to pay the stupid high price of [[Aether Vial]] and [[Cavern of Souls]].

Posted 25 June 2019 at 07:14 in reply to #625730 on Naya Slivers


My take on Naya Slivers. Could be a reference point for yours.

Posted 25 June 2019 at 05:37 as a comment on Naya Slivers


[[Stone Rain]] is superior in a 2 colour land destruction deck because {2}{R} is easier to cast than {1}{R}{R}.
[[Pillage]] was chosen over [[Molten Rain]] because it doubles as mainboard artifact hate.
[[Mwonvuli Acid-Moss]] can fech duals like [[Stomping Ground]], and the ramp has proven far more useful than the conditional damage that [[Molten Rain]] would give.

Posted 20 June 2019 at 12:52 in reply to #625631 on Moonless Ponza V2


I know [[Arlinn Kord]] is on theme here, but I think mechanically [[Domri, Anarch of Bolas]] would make a better Oathbreaker. He adds mana, making things uncounterable, and the passive +1/+0 is very good.

Posted 13 June 2019 at 10:33 as a comment on Oathbreaker: Moon Shines Red


Have you seen the price tag on Cavern of Souls? No thank you

Posted 12 June 2019 at 19:40 in reply to #625454 on Nayan Slivers


I've run a number of very low curve decks in the past. I once ran a goblin deck with only 17 lands. Only 3 drop was 3x [[Goblin Chieftain]]. Currently I'm running a white weenie in Standard, which I'm working on converting to modern.

Posted 12 June 2019 at 14:48 in reply to #625440 on Nayan Slivers



Being such a cheap planeswalker and having such a low loyalty, I don't expect it to last very long on the battlefield. Besides, with it being so cheap, I can always activate one, then play another to get another activation. But I guess only time will tell 4 is too much (when I eventually get the cards so I can test this deck).

Posted 11 June 2019 at 20:09 in reply to #625429 on Ayula's Assault


I was super happy to see them printed in modern. They're a perfect upgrade to my [[Seismic Assault]] deck:

Posted 11 June 2019 at 13:56 in reply to #625421 on Modern Bears


[[Tranquil Thicket]] is an excellent cantrip that works well with [[Life from the Loam]] and can be used on [[Ayula's Influence]].

Posted 11 June 2019 at 12:23 as a comment on Modern Bears


I want to be able to cast Icehide Golem reliably, so I can't remove too many Snow lands. [[Emeria, the Sky Ruin]] is an option I'm considering, but entering tapped is really not looking good.

Posted 07 June 2019 at 22:03 in reply to #625273 on Valiant White Wheenie


You look like you need an effect of at least one of the following:
[[Ezuri, Renegade Leader]]
[[Craterhoof Behemoth]]
[[Decimator of the Provinces]]
[[End-Raze Forerunners]]
[[God-Eternal Rhonas]]

Posted 28 May 2019 at 20:07 as a comment on Mono Green Elves Project


You can look into making it just a value card. I once ran [[Heartless Summoning]] to slam cretures like [[Grave Titan]] early. I even ran [[Phyrexian Metamorph]] because with Heartless and Phyrexian mana, I could pay {1} (and 3 life) to copy ANY creture or artifact (don't even need to play blue). My backup to the "ramp" Heartless provided was [[Wayfarer's Bauble]], which if played on turn 1, ramps you to have the big threats out 1 turn earlier without the - 1/-1 penalty of Heartless.

I ran RB, so I could include cheap sweepers like [[Anger of the Gods]] to stem the stream of aggro.

Posted 03 April 2019 at 05:29 in reply to #623310 on HA ha He Ha infinite (Modern)


[[Darksteel Citadel]] is a must.

Posted 02 April 2019 at 05:08 as a comment on Worldslayer Phylactery


Look up the deck known as Ponza, it may just interest you.

Posted 01 April 2019 at 19:42 as a comment on RG land destruction


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