Thanks, I'll try it out!
I tried him but his cost is the real problem. Usually I start sacrificing lands when im around 4-5 so I can't quite reach him. Maybe as a sideboard card against slower decks.
Yeah it's all about Cipher value :)
Retether is a bit redundant, but it has a bit of surprise to it. If Bruna already got cast once and I only have 6 lands, my opponents won't expect all of my auras to come back at once.Traumatize is an awesome idea, thank you!
Sundial of the Infinite makes the deck more consistent. You could also add Blue and add Stifle/Trickbind.
Wow I've only seen this deck now :)I actually am making a very similar deck, so of course I like your version, too! If you would help me out, look here:'s still in the works and probably will end up being for multiplayer play.
Thanks, added Magus and the Familiar as sideboard cards. Mulldrifter is a bit expensive without the Warden of Evos Isle, bit I'll add him to the sideboard for now and test it out. What should I remove to add Mulldrifter?
The deck is really 4 drop heavy, which messes with your mana curve. I'd reduce the number of Scrapbasket by 2 and your land count by 2, then try to fit 4 of something (maybe Qasali Pridemage/Dryad Militant?) in :)
How about switching Slagwurm Armor for Viridian Claw? First strike is nice with deathtouch.
What about Kiln Fiend, Nivix Cyclops as other creatures so you don't need the Phantasms? Also Apostle's Blessing, Faithless Looting, Lightning Bolt, Assault Strobe, Distortion Strike, Artful Dodge, Dispel, Vapor Snag :)
How about Vorel of the Hull Clade to double the Filibuster Counters? Going from 3 to 6 even allows you to take some damage yet still win. If you use it while there are 2 counters you will go to 4 and win the following upkeep.
Maybe it doesn't matter to you, but if you remove Wall of Razors you got a perfectly fine Modern deck :)A replacement could be Haunted Guardian for exmaple.I like the idea btw ;)
The Colossi are great against Storm-Breath Dragon, who is ruining everyone's day at my playgroup (except for those playing him). Also it fuels my devotion pretty good :)
Relic of Progenitus can be used against Tarmo to some effect, Oozes however can be quite the pain to deal with :)
Thanks :)It will be even better once BNG and Journey into Nyx are out, gonna be fun times!
-4 Molten Birth+2 Mountain+2 Ash ZealotMolten Birth seems nice but slows you down unnecessary, also you cant play those 4-5 mana spells reliable with 20 lands. Ash Zealot gives you some devotion and a very good creature.
Usually I play 1v1 EDH, the deck does do well there. Not sure if it's good in 4 player EDH, but switching Rhys for Ezuri as commander should allow you to save some creatures from wipes.
Oh yeah Fist of Suns actually doesn't belong here, no idea why I put in :)Rhys the Exiled is just in for the life gain.
Thanks, updated a few cards.Strata Scythe is nice to have because it counts not only my lands, so I think having two colors to chose from depending on what your opponents play pays off.Some of the cards are simply too expensive, for example sword of FaF, sadly.
Not a fan of the Radiance cards, if my opponent has a shared color or even the same colors I might as well not play them at all.Aurelia and the Liege sound nice, as do the Sword and Banisher Priest, but I have no idea of what to cut for them, bringing it to 100 was already difficult for me (the deck started with 250 cards lol).
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