You should try out 1-3 Mirror-Mad Phantasm, as they work better that way.
It's just hard to find good mana fixing that early on without using green, which I can't since it would hurt the mana base even more. The any-color lands are very clunky and slow, so I prefer to just wait another turn instead of paying {1} to get a tapped land.
Well the Angel, Bolas, Boroborygmos and Izzet Charm are my "removal" cards, also every creature I have is a good blocker, with Griselbrand giving me 7 life per block he shuts down aggro, too.If I survive the first three turns I should always have either Obzedat's Aid or Unburial Rites ready, most decks don't beat me that fast.I filled the sideboard with removal, if the deck goes up against aggro there's a chance I lose the first game but then it should go quite well the next two.Thanks for your input :)
Thank you!
You should definitely try blue self-mill out :)There are many ways, you could even decide to step away from green and go for red (Reforge the Soul), combine with Notion Thief for tons of cards!
Did a small update, now features Artful Dodge so you can win with Phantasm/Wight/Aberration more easily.
Yeah it's not RDW fast but what I meant is that Descendant's Path usually isn't doing too much for me. Maybe 1-2, would have to test a bit.
Not a fan of Descendants Path, this deck is pretty aggro oriented and the path needs two turns to be worth it. I could have won by that time :P
I guess they are sad about the abrupt decay of Uncle Dragi :PBut now there is flavor text for the deck description, at least.
Illusionist's Bracers work only with activated abilities. You can see them by looking for "Cost:Effect". For Stuffy Doll, only the 1 damage is an activated ability (Tap:1 damage). The Bracers will allows you to use the Effect part another time without needing to pay the cost part.Post 200 x)
Guttersnipe/Talrand, Sky Summoner/Delver of Secrets/Blistercoil Weird/Nivmagus Elemental(/Melek, Izzet Paragon) all want to be in this deck! But honestly, put at least some Guttersnipes in. The 2 damage is sorta like a +2/+0 pump with unblockable damage and you really need more targets for those pump spells. Or switch Phytoburst with Searing Spear, it will still pump/switch your creatures but is useful on its own.
I would remove some of Bioshift and/or Simic Manipulator and put Experiment One or Cloudfin Raptor in.
How about Maw of the Obzedat as beefy companion for your Spirit and Vampire Tokens? Also Zealous Conscripts does the same as Mark of Mutiny but works with Unburial Rites as "ramp" and provides an additional body to sacrifice. Nothing more hilarious than playing Conscripts, stealing a creature, attacking with both, saccing both, then reanimating the Conscripts :P
Did some minor updates :)
Well the Reckoner is easy on the casting cost, being able to fit into mono red/white or any deck that uses either of the colors. Also you don't want to block it because it kills most of the blockers, while it also kills nearly everything while blocking.It's like targeted deathtouch that can cause players to lose life as well. Also 3 power + first strike is the bane of many creatures.
I have a similiar build where Fluxcharger is used, this build is all about the fast win so he isn't included. See and if you're curious.
Switched Arbor Elf for Delver of Secrets :)
Thanks, I posted that into the deck description.
You can cast between first strike and normal combat damage.
Ethereal Armor, Detention Sphere and Azorius Charm could be nice for the deck.
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