Growing Ranks only gives you a single spawn per turn, seems weak.But otherwise nice deck, totally forgot about Polymorph for Eldrazi :)
We let a coinflip decide, but I'm always lucky ;)
Haha the Eldrazi would force each other to sacrifice, leaving nothing behind... so whever got to play first will win :P
Hey Derago, I saw your deck and just couldn't resist trying to make one too :)Here is my version, legal for Extended
Then Wild Hunger has to be in that deck ;)
Maybe you could add Krenko's Command to this deck, it will add more creatures while staying true to the theme. And since all your cards are cheap you could splash green for something like Rancor/Ghor-Clan Rampager to make use of your Weird (and some other green cards, I don't know which would be useful right now).
Hey, I made a deck that uses the same three creatures as your deck and found a few other nice cards for them, check it out :Basically Dual Casting and Lightning Prowess allow your Weird to be even better.
Nice deck, maybe add a single Lotus Petal for a bit more speed every few matches.
A bit crammed on the 5 mana slot, but otherwise it looks really nice. Maybe you can check out my two new angel decks :)
Thanks, edited again! I had no idea how to make a dragonstorm deck, just stumbled upon the card and tried to make a deck, well now it's shaping.
Edited the deck a bit.
He doubles my mana for early Dragonstorm or big dragons.
Sadly Cipher works only with combat damage.The deck looks nice and fun, but I feel like there is a finisher missing, I don't know...
Updated to Extended.
Grafdigger's Cage is always strong vs reanimator (as is Ash Zealot), also it won't affect your Charmbreakers, only Rise from the Grave.Would Conjurer's Closet give you permanent control over the stolen creatures? I don't really know, but it would be amazing!
Guttersnipe wants to be in this deck.
Removed 2 lands, thanks!
Tukatongue Thallid and Fists of Ironwood are great for devour decks, something to consider for your deck.Also Jund Battlemage, Kazandu Tuskcaller, Thallid Shell-Dweller, Dragon Fodder, but I don't see them as good as those other two cards.Another devouring creature would be Skullmulcher, in case you want more card draw.
How about updating this deck and adding Ogre Slumlord? ;)
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