How about Lava Spike / Skullcrack / Rift Bolt / Flame Javelin / Magma Jet? Just some really nice burn spells :)
Tripedge, do you also play Modern? It would be interesting to see what you can make of the Apostle in that format. There are numerous ways to bring them back each turn, as well as more demons to choose from.
Some updates.
Updated the deck with Xathrid Necromancer (to sacrifice excess witches and aristocrats).
How well can you deal with R/G aggro and friends? For example a Burning-Tree-Emissary chain seems hard to beat with only spot removal.Mutilate works with your Swamps, often it should only be -2/-2, which is perfect as most of your dragons stay alive, making it a one-sided board wipe.Other choices could be Magmaquake / Rolling Temblor. They deal with non-flying, leaving your creatures unscathed.Finally Bonfire of the Damned can be a strong win condition while being a one-sided board wipe, however it's really expensive without Miracle.
Just another way to sacrifice my creatures, or to be sacrificed in exchange for an angel or to deal some damage.
Updated the deck, now with Sorin and more Lingering Souls :)
You start with 7 cards, by turn 4 you have seen 10 cards.T1 Land + ApostleT2 Land + 2x ApostleT3 Land + 3x ApostleT4 Sac. You have a single card left. If your opponent removed 2 Apostles during those 3-4 turns (depending on who was on the draw), you can't get a Demon out and are in top-deck mode. OrT1 Land + ApostleT2 Land + 2x ApostleT3 2x ApostleT4 Apostle + Sac. In this scenario you have 2 cards in hand but only 2 lands by turn 4, so your demon better be worth it. Also if your opponent removed a single Apostle you have to wait a whole turn to sac them.What I want to show you with both those scenarios: You have way to few Apostles in the deck. Both scenarios needed to have hands with ~75% Apostle's which isn't likely with your 19 in the deck. Either pack a lot more removal into your deck to be able to stall or more Apostle's, otherwise you can't deal with anything your opponent does.Of course this deck doesn't want to be top tier, but it should at least work every now and then, imo.
It can be done but it isn't necessary to win, the deck can end the game earlier than turn 5 if things go right.Added 2x Doom Blade and removed 2x Swamp.
Huh I have no idea how it even got in the deck lol. Made the deck at 2 a.m., so that must be the reason.
MTGVault could have updated the Modern Masters cards, there are some reprints of suspend cards with the new wording. But now I just hope they get M14 in the database quickly :)
Yeah back in the Time Spiral block they had different wording which can lead to confusion. Comes into play became enters the battlefield later on, for example.
I try to keep the deck Standard legal, but yeah that's a nice card for Exalted :P
Yeah Haze speeds it up but not as good as the Elemental. T4 Suspend Emrakul, remove a counterT5 Remove two more counters with the Elemental, attack with Emrakul, your opponent gives upHere's a deck from me that's a bit older and uses more "suspend acceleration": and more acceleration are both nice but they force even more commitment to my combo. I like having counterspells and a bit of removal in case I don't even draw into Jhoira.
Yeah it's a great card but I think it's better to either wait it out or get your Rift Elemental ready. Also Remand and the other counterspells are there to buy me time. Maybe another card to search my deck for Rift Elemental, but I don't know what the good Brainstorm-cards in Modern are or what to remove.
Made the deck a bit faster :)
Did some updates, no more ramp, much faster :)
Updated to be budget.
Or Think Twice, in case you mill it.
Did a lot of testing with my version and I think you could ditch green completely, together with the lantern. Instead of pump spells it's better to have removal or card draw for your "spell eaters". Think Twice turns the Cyclops into a 4/4 while drawing you the next card to pump him more, Mizzium Mortars make sure you don't need Artful Dodge every time. Also Guttersnipe is really good for this deck, you should lower the amount of Fluxchargers for a better curve :)
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