I dunno, what would you use in place of Baneslayer? I switched out Hyena Umbra for Rancor btw, I think you were right about that.
Vexing Devil is soooo good. That's all I can say really, he one of the few red creatures that I feel truly represent the color. I have a hunch he'll be a staple in almost every deck with red in it. How has Thunderous Wrath worked out though, does the miracle activate fairly frequently? I could really use some advice on my G/W: Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=335639 Thanks man
Thanks for the comment! =D Urborg slipped my mind, added it. Hymn to Tourach is an intriguing idea, its worked well in the past for me. I'll try them out for sure.
No, it isn't. Its a huge part of two popular legacy decks, merfolk and goblins.
Why the single Sharpshooter?
Undiscovered Paradise might work in here, just a thought.
That's something to consider, Vampire Nighthawk or Mirran Crusader could work too. Thanks for the help!
No, life loss usually isn't a concern. Batterskull pretty much takes care of my life total, and Jitte helps when needed.
I love lockdown-style decks like this, well done! You should try adding Tainted Aether and/or Lethal Vapors. Check out my new Legacy Orzhov: Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=321868
Razorverge Thicket, Seachrome Coast, and Sunpetal Grove are all good choices for lands. You could also try out Sigiled Paladin or Akrasan Squire to mix things up a bit. Check out my new Legacy Orzhov: Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=321868
Obsidian Fireheart + Braid of Fire is a beautiful thing. Also, that Harbinger trick is really cool, never thought of using Nova Chaser to champion it so you get an extra fetch. Friggin' smart. Also, why no Fling? Throwing a Nova Chaser after swinging is pretty scary. I could use some input on my new Legacy Orzhov deck: Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=321868 Thanks!
Ascension is very good with Ghostly Prison, that combo has won me games. Also, try Holy Day instead of Safe Passage, its a cheaper version of basically the same thing. Check out my new Legacy Orzhov: Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=321868
Here is some land help: http://www.magicdeckvortex.com/visual_spoilers_lands_dual_color_lands.htm I would suggest Savannah and Windswept Heath if money isn't a problem.
Ive seen this idea used before, but I think there is a small problem with this. Path to Exile reads "It's controller MAY search his or her library", so once they catch on to the combo they will choose not to get the free land. Try some cards that force the opponent to shuffle their deck, like Surgical Extraction.
Bone Saw > Storm Crow
Stifle is in there as well, it essentially does the same job as Torpor Orb.
I made a Hellrider token deck a while back, it isn't standard though. Here: Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=299204
For one very important reason; Storm Crow is blue.
Looks brutal, but what do you usually use Entomb for, the Pharaoh? A Wasteland, so you can play it from the yard with Crucible? Bloodghast maybe? I'm guessing the Pharaoh, but I'm in unfamiliar territory here, I've never played a deck like this. Either way great work. Check out my B/W if you get the chance: Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=301393
I don't follow you on the Storm Crow thing, its an excellent card.
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