Good start, but I would add a kill condition based off of your strategy. Nyxathid maybe? Also, I think you have too many discard spells, if that is possible. I would drop some of the weaker ones for more creature control or win conditions. If you are going to run Cabal Therapy you should run Bloodghst as well, the recursion is great for abusing Therapy's flashback. Overall, good deck and well done. Take a look at my mono black for legacy when you get the chance: Deck link:
Deus of Calamity, Boggart Ram-Gang, Bloodbraid Elf, Burning-Tree Shaman, Horned Kavu, Dragon Broodmother, Shivan Wurm, more Spellbreakers, Rumbling Slum maybe?
Urza's Powerplant, Factory, and Tower would all work really well i think. You would have to run Expedition Map or Sylvan Scrying though.
Painful Quandary has been really good for me, its a bit expensive but it makes opponents think twice about playing spells because they either discard or get hit with a Lava Axe.
I'll give yours a look, thanks for the comment.
Good idea actually, added it.
Not a problem! Added it.
Nice idea, Goblin Bombardment is sweet. Thanks!
Ok, this deck is going in all directions. I see lifegain, extraction, aggro, exalted, and ramp all in one deck. This deck needs to slim down and gain some focus. Decide on one strategy and then build around it, which should allow you to get down to 60 cards. Doing that will do wonders for both consistency and speed.
You're new to the vault so I'll cut you some slack. If you want people to help you, first say something constructive about their deck. Spamming your deck link without saying anything else will get you nowhere.
Nice. I would run Fog Bank or something over the sphinx, the mana cost seems really high and the ability unnecessary. You have plenty of mana fixing, I would drop Azorius Chancery because it slows down your land drops. Nice deck though, looks really good.
I know. Weird that it doesn't show up in the price estimation thing. Post the updates to your deck, I'm interested in what you changed.
Here it is: Deck link:
Krenko's Command and Dragon Fodder are great, so is Goblin Lackey. Raid Bombardment works really well with all the tokens, it would be worth adding. Check my Krenko EDH out: Deck link:
Cool deck, Luminarch is a card I've wanted to build around for a while now. I may build a deck similar to this, I'll post it when I'm done.
Seems too expensive, plus I already have Meekstone for controlling bigger creatures..
FNM at my shop is always legacy, not many people play standard in my area. There are usually 30 or so people, and each person plays 5 or 6 matches. Each match is a best of three and the person with the best record at the end gets prizes. Everything is really laid back, everyone is really cool. I would suggest bringing a trade binder, you never know what people may have that you want.
I'm not Thomas if that's what you're asking...
Switched up a lot of things. Everything is faster, leaner, and a bit more competitive (I hope).
I used Knotvine in my previous exalted, but I took him out because of space issues. Besides, I prefer Qasali Pridemage. Artifact and enchantment hate packed on a 2/2 for 2 (with exalted!) is just too good. You raise a good point with Green Sun's Zenith, but again space is an issue. I may try running a few in here in the future, but for now I like it too much to change anything. Thanks for the advice man, I'm happy to return the favor if you have a deck you want me to look at.
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