
197 Decks, 398 Comments, 57 Reputation

Altar's Reap could be a good replacement for a draw spell, it fits well with the sacrifice theme.

Edit: You should play Attrition as well, and Lightning Greaves or Swiftfoot Boots to protect your general.

Posted 18 August 2013 at 21:59 as a comment on EDH-Shadowborn Apostle


Ditch Fabricate for Trinket Mage, it does the same job but adds a 2/2 blocker. You can also play Sensei's Divining Top which the Mage can fetch as well.

Posted 17 August 2013 at 00:56 as a comment on U Painter-Stone: Legacy


Cool deck man, instead of Wrench Mind try Hymn to Tourach! Random discard is generally better because it can hit spells your opponent wouldn't choose to discard and lands too. Grave Pact doesn't seem like it does much because you don't have many creatures. I would replace them with Hypnotic Specter and see what happens.

Posted 11 August 2013 at 15:43 as a comment on The Punisher!


True. This is not a budget deck in the purest sense, but in legacy it sure is. So far I have paid around 100 bucks for this deck, which is a pretty large amount of money. However, the most powerful versions of this deck cost in excess of 2,000 dollars. I have a sample deck on my profile if you want to see, its called Loam build (expensive).
That is why I call this the budget version.

Posted 11 August 2013 at 15:31 in reply to #387974 on Aggro-Loam 4c


Nice deck. I would take out some of the slower cards like Glory of Warfare, and add 4 Goblin Guide. Geopede and Steppe Lynx love fetchlands, play as many as you can.

Also, sideboard Wear/Tear. That will take care of any enchantments.

Posted 08 August 2013 at 01:14 as a comment on Boros Aggro - Hits fast & hard


... in standard, correct. Neither is Hero of Bladehold, Ghostly Prison, Wrath, PtE, Knight Exemplar, Student of Warfare, etc. Based on that we can safely assume this deck is not meant to be standard legal.

Posted 06 August 2013 at 22:46 in reply to #386621 on Cavalaria


Play 2-3 Isamaru, better than Savannah Lions.

Posted 27 July 2013 at 17:31 as a comment on Freeze them out


You might not want the deck to go in this direction, but here is a sweet combo I use in decks like this. I use Gelectrode + tons of dig and burn spells like Lightning Bolt, Fire/Ice and Ponder to pump Wee Dragonauts and Chandra's Spitfire. Pinging with jellyman after every spell racks up anywhere from 3 to 10 points of of non-combat damage, making Spitfire ridiculously big. If you want to try something like this here is what I would do:

-3 Delver
-2 Charmbreaker Devils
-3 Turn/Burn

+4 Gelectrode
+4 Ponder

Hope this helps

Posted 27 July 2013 at 17:15 as a comment on Don't thank me...


True, but I don't think there is a solution to this problem that people can't cheat their way around. With a few tweaks the rep system could change a lot, there will always be people who will do anything to make themselves seem better than they are. Plus, it isn't hard to tell when someone is thumbing all their comments with fakes.

Posted 27 July 2013 at 03:26 in reply to #383294 on How to Comment on a Deck


I think the new thumbs up/down on comments has the potential to influence comment quality. If everyone gets in the habit of upvoting genuine, helpful, respectful comments and downvoting crappy comments we can encourage members to help each other. I have yet to see a comment with more than 5-6 thumbs up. If there was a achievement system where members moved up the ranks and received better titles within the site at fixed reputation milestones (ex Newbie 0-20 rep, Member 21-100 rep, basically the same as the forum), the rep system would be much more effective. At the moment reputation points do nothing, thus there is no incentive to write comments that people will vote up and no consequences for spamming deck links or saying "this dek sucks, mine iz much bettur".

Posted 27 July 2013 at 03:09 as a comment on How to Comment on a Deck


4 copies of Myr Servitor could be awesome in this deck.

Posted 13 July 2013 at 19:55 as a comment on Lambs to the Slaughter


You could use Mogg War Marshal instead of Dragon Fodder if you decide to include Thalia.

Posted 13 July 2013 at 19:42 as a comment on Freeze them out


I would ditch Ghostly Prison. An aggro deck like this shouldn't be trying to slow the game down. Even worse, you have 4 maindeck Day of Judgements and Path to Exiles to take care of the opponent's creatures. What use is Ghostly Prison after you wipe the board? When would you ever want a Prison when you could be playing Silverblade Paladin or Knight Exemplar? I have played my fair share of WW and knights, enough to know that Prison isn't a card you want in a dedicated aggro deck. If you are worried about goblins or something, put them in the sideboard.

Now for the lands. Trying to run 18 is admirable, but if this is meant to be competitive you should play more. You NEED to make your first 3 land drops to stay ahead, with 18 lands that won't happen often enough even with KotWO. 21-22 is the lowest I would use if I were to run this deck, and that is ignoring the fact that you have Sun Titan and Emeria. Sun Titan will be a dead draw most of the time because you won't have enough lands to play it. Same with Emeria, in this deck it functions as a basic plains that comes into play tapped. Here is what I would do: (not saying you should, just a suggestion)

-4 Ghostly Prison (move to sideboard)
-2 Sun Titan
-2 Emeria
-1 Day of Judgement

+4 Plains
+4 Mother of Runes or Brave the Elements
+1 Elspeth, Knight Errant

These changes make the curve 12-12-8-8, which is better than 8-12-12-8-2.
Aether Vial is good in knights, consider playing it. Hope this helped.

Posted 11 July 2013 at 00:50 as a comment on Cavalaria


Quest for the Goblin Lord could be insane in here, add more War Marshals and Krenko's Commands to get full value. Nice and cheap too.

Posted 28 June 2013 at 02:31 as a comment on Low cost Goblins plz advise


Great comment, but the green splash is mostly for the Krosan Grips in the sideboard. If I were to make this with Food Chain it would be a combo deck which isn't what I want the deck to evolve into. Aggro is what I'm trying to hone here, good old aggressive creatures and mana curves.

Posted 29 May 2013 at 21:35 in reply to #357914 on Legacy Goblins Experiment


Valid point, I should swap ET for Idyllic Tutor. ET was mostly in there to fetch the win condition, so Idyllic should perform fairly well.

Posted 26 April 2013 at 22:47 in reply to #344922 on Legacy Stax


Yep, 3-4 Bloodghasts on the field and the opponent is on a seriously fast clock.

Posted 21 February 2013 at 23:41 in reply to #325587 on Black Lightning


Seems like you need a stronger win condition than Lightning Bolt or Fire + Sceptor. Snapcaster or Clique maybe?

Posted 04 February 2013 at 03:21 as a comment on Counterbalance


Thanks! Raging Goblin is old-skool no doubt, but Fanatic is sick nasty with the old school rules (damage stacks). Both Sledder and Fanatic combo with Goblin Sharpshooter as well.

Posted 25 January 2013 at 22:32 in reply to #318852 on Old School Goblins


Yeah, against my better judgement I did. This is a super casual deck for old-school play (manaburn, damage on the stack, etc) and I wanted to cram more goblins in for flavor's sake.

Posted 25 January 2013 at 21:07 in reply to #318792 on Old School Goblins


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