I don't think Due Respect works with your commander, creatures enter tapped instead of becoming tapped if that makes sense.
Leatherback Baloth seems like a fairly obvious addition because you aren't running any 3-drop creatures. I would drop Brushstrider for it, evening out the curve is important and the Baloth is the more powerful creature. Krosan Warchief and Rancor are also worth a look, but with the uncommon restriction they might not work out. Harrow seems sick in this deck as well, playing it turn 3 then using the two forests to play a Kalonian Tusker or Garruk's Companion is pretty powerful. I would try these changes:-3 Brushstrider+3 Leatherback Baloth-3 Strength in Numbers+3 Harrow
Draw isn't a huge problem because Hero pumps out so much card advantage. If I wanted to run some card draw I would probably use 2 copies of Phyrexian Arena or Read the Bones. The life loss wouldn't be a problem with Sword of L&S, Sword of W&P, and Nighthawk.
Thanks! Good questions!Flickerwisp is a bit of an experiment, but fits in well because you always want a vial at 3. Previously they were Lingering Souls but that was a non-bo with Vial and I wanted some flyers. I suppose I could test a few Angels in their place, good thought.Duress has been awesome in my meta, I wouldn't be comfortable going below two copies. Hits countermagic, removal, Twin, Pod, walkers, everything in Patriot control and Ad Nauseam. Aether Vial is one of the most important cards in the deck, not only because it makes 30% of the deck uncounterable, but there is a lot of added utility. Tidehollow after opponent's draw step to see more cards, Hero EOT post-wrath, Nighthawk before blockers are declared to kill Emrakul (done this multiple times FTW), Ooze in response to Goryo's Vengeance to exile GY shenanigans. Plus it frees up mana during your turn to cast hand disruption and swords, or leave mana free for removal. In short, Vial is good.Finks is good in Pod, but here it just seems like a 3/2 do-nothing beater. No evasion, no interaction with the opponent beyond killing a 3-toughness-or-less creature. Crusader already fills that role, has relevant abilities, and rocks carrying a sword. It's a possible sideboard card against RDW, but I'm not sure it's all that great in a deck like this.
Ideally, you want to combo on turn 3-4 with a few lands in play. Ponder/Preordain, then cast up the ritual chain into Overmaster then Empty the Warrens. Info from Gitaxian Probe is great because it lets you know if you have to play around counterspells.
Needs Psychotic Fury and Lightning Bolt.
In testing I have come to the same conclusion, the number of signets I have is not necessary. Added Kodama's Reach, Explosive Vegetation, Parallel Lives, some more removal, and the two sliver lords like you suggested. Thanks.
Assuming these lands cost on average 85 cents each, this deck costs more than $40,000. This could take some time to build...
A singleton Storm Crow would be good, if you can find a space for it.
Probably as a board wipe and to fuel Bitter Ordeal.
Yes. When a card says "Reasonable cost, DRAW SEVEN CARDS" it is very, very good. Play a few games with it, card draw like that is crazy powerful.
This is a well-established deck in legacy, and Griselbrand is without a doubt the best creature in the deck. In fact, I would drop Sheoldred and Akroma for two more copies of Griselbrand.
With the lack of fetches, I would play Ponder over Brainstorm.
Poor buggers, didn't stand a chance.
Agreed. I tend to make a lot of decks like this, thrown together just to get my thoughts down, then never really refine them.
I see your point with Tribe Elder, here is my defense: he is useful on defense with ye olden block-sac (improves aggro loams poor early game defense), and he can be brought back with Stronghold. Rampant Growth can't do either of these things, which is why it sucks. That said, any suggestions for a replacement? The deck always feels like it needs another threat or two.DD is actually one of the most powerful cards in the deck, its not going anywhere (except against permission decks, when it often gets sideboarded). Almost every fair deck (Goblins, D&T, Zoo, Maverick, Shaman decks, Stoneblade) dies to a resolved DD for 3 or 4. I cant stress enough how awesome it is to completely wipe the opponents board. We are talking zero permanents versus my land, Mox, Loam in hand or graveyard. DD is sick. *Also I'm going to thank you for all the comments here instead of on every individual deck. I'll eventually get around to tuning each deck, your comments are all really helpful. Thank you.
Pridemage is strictly better than Viridian Zealot. Replacing them will make the sideboard a bit stronger. You have few outs to combo, play more Thalia and maybe Ethersworn Canonist to slow down TES and ANT.Also, why play Cavern of Souls? You don't have enough of a single creature type to justify playing it. Maybe Humans, but I still feel like you could sideboard them or take them out completely and play another basic Forest and maybe a Plains to guard against Wasteland.Another thought: Nantuko Monastery could be a replacement for Stirring Wildwood, its a bigger body and has first strike. It also comes into play untapped. More fetchlands and removal will help with threshold, and the fetches will boost Knight as well.Some other cards that could be helpful: Sylvan Library, Silhana Ledgewalker, Mirran Crusader (carries equipment, laughs at goyf), Thrun.Hope this helps, I love seeing legacy decks on the front page. If you ever need someone to look at other legacy stuff, I'm happy to help.
Neat little trick (if you don't mind the legality issue): play artifact lands so Trinket Mage can fix your mana.
It would make sense to only have one copy of Zombie Infestation and max out Treasure Hunt. Also, you want a lot more Islands than Swamps. You always want an Island in your opening hand to cast Treasure Hunt, you will draw a Swamp to play Infestation with Treasure Hunt. I would play 30 Islands and 13 Swamps.
Quietus Spike would be really good, most of your creatures will never be blocked.
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