First of all, what format are you going for? I'm assuming this is for Legacy, and if so you have to take the Sol Ring out, its banned. I would also suggest taking out Terramorphic Expanse for some fetchlands that dont put the basic into play tapped. This will speed things up, the life lost is insignificant compared to the speed gained. Maze of Ith is a great land you could include, and Knight can go and look for it. Other than that I would take the mana curve down a bit, again speed is key. Hope this helps man, if you could take a look at my new control deck I would really appreciate it. Deck link:
Are there any spoilers for RTR yet? Nice deck btw surewhynot, but I still think Scroll of Griselbrand could be swapped for something a bit better. Hymn would work, and they are only a buck a piece. Other than that, it looks great. Could you give me some advice on this Smokestack control deck I'm building? Thanks man, really enjoy your decks. Deck link:
I would take out Cathartic Adept for Hedron Crab, with all the fetches it will kick ass.
I made a lifegain deck like this a while back, check it out if you need ideas. I really like Martyr of Sands in here BTW. Deck link:
Phyrexian Dreadnoughts isn't 30 dollars you can get them for 13 or 14 on TCGplayer. Here:
Thanks, ill give your deck a look!
Nice deck, try Myr Enforcer or Master of Etherium for some extra power. Also, I've seen Etched Champion do really well for affinity decks like this, you should put a few more in.
Forgot to add the Consume Spirits, thanks. As for the the Pox stuff, I switched two of the Verdicts for Phyrexian Arenas.
Holy crap, Burn at the Stake is better than Soulblast by a mile, thank you! =D Added Squee as well, the recursion could be very helpful.
Duh. I just remember you saying that goblins weren't your favorite, never mind though.
Ooo, just thought of something. What do you think of Hellrider in here? Another Raid Bombardment effect is great, but he isn't a goblin...
Krenko is no joke, I need to get my hands on a few when M13 comes out. Raid Bombardment and Valacut are awesome, added them. As for Scrambleverse, if I understand it, all your opponents get your little 1/1s and you get everything that is better. Sick.
Another cool tribal SWN, nice job. Sigil of Sleep does pretty much the same job as Arm With Aether except its an enchantment, just a thought. Also, I know you aren't a fan of Goblins but could you check out my new Krenko EDH? I think he has a lot of potential. Deck link: Thanks!
It looks mediocre, but pair it with Archon of Justice or Bloodghast with Gravepact out and its a different story.
Yes! Added it.
You better be joking about Serra Angel, it was a seriously good card in its day.
You have two Coalition Relics, I would put in a Sol Ring in place of the second one.
Mogg War Marshal, Goblin Piledriver (expensive), Goblin Wardriver, Mogg Maniac, Goblin Guide maybe.
Needs some land fixing, try Cavern of Souls and Ancient Ziggurat. I'm assuming this is for casual play, otherwise you should trim it down to 60 cards. Magma Sliver will work wonders in here as well, take out Fungus Sliver for it. Other than that, looks good. Check out my sliver deck: Deck link:
Looks good, take a look at Prismatic Omen. It would be really good in EDH, maybe Finest Hour too. Check out my sliver deck: Deck link:
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