Added Thalia, Guardian of Thraben from Dark Ascension.
Pretty good, but I would add some flying defense like Mourning Thrull. I like the Dominator - Assassin combo, seems like it would work pretty well. Check out my Orzhov deck if you need ideas: Deck link:
Good Idea, but I'm out of room in the deck, and I only own a single Snapcaster, so it wouldn't add much to the deck
I like the Preeminent Captain, I switched them out. Mirror Entity is not going in the deck because I dislike changelings as a general rule, I don't consider them tribal deck material. Parish is a cool idea, I'll think about adding it. Thanks!
Thanks man! I looked at your deck, the main difference is you use auras to buff your creatures while I use creature effects like Captain of the Watch, Daru Warchief, and Field Marshal.
I've reconsidered the Ratchet Bomb, its weak compared to the other cards. Its off the list, and thanks for the other suggestions!
Added Grand Abolisher, Balance, Gaddock Teeg, Lim-Duls Vault, Lighting Helix, and Ratchet Bomb. Thanks!
Add a few Goblin Tunnelers, they can get the Fiend through when you don't have a Distortion Strike. Check out my list of the best 2-drops in magic: Deck link:
If you wanted to add more fairies, Spellstutter Sprite is a great one. Its just a counterspell on a 1/1 flyer. Check out my list of the best 2 Drops in magic: Deck link:
yes! added it
I am very much a fan of Luminarch Ascension, but Druidic Satchel seems odd in a deck like this. Try putting in some Ghostly Prisons or decent mid-level creatures to replace them.
I really like the mana jump here, Wurmcoil turn 3 is scaaaarryyy. Check out my new B/W deck: Deck link:
You need some lower-cost stuff, or maybe add some Dark Rituals in place of Doom Blade. Check out my new B/W deck: Deck link:
I can get a Balefire out turn three with Seething Song and Geosurge. Turn three Song, then Geosurge for 8 total mana, into a Balefire Dragon. I can also get a turn 4 Tyrant with a turn 3 Mana Flare, turn 4 Song (which makes 6 total mana, 3 used to pay for Seething Song) and a Geosurge for 11 total mana, into a Dragon Tyrant.
Kargan Dragonlord?
Cue mana ramp. Seething Song and Geosurge allow bigger dragons to be played much earlier than normal, so the deck isn't as slow as it appears.
I'm going to keep this deck mono red. If I ever get around to it I'll build another the is R/G, possibly using those cards. Thanks for the suggestions though! =D
Too bad. Switched them out for Mana Flare, should work pretty well as a replacement.
AEther Vial is fantastic in Merfolk, I can attest to that through personal experience. I have seen more control Merfolk than aggro, so I'll suggest some things about control instead. First, Bitterblossom. Spew out a ton of flyers. Next, Spellstutter Sprite. With all the tokens, you can hard counter pretty much anything your opponent tries to play. Add in Force of Will, Vendilion Clique, AEther Vial, and some lords and you've got yourself a deck. Hope I helped. Take a look at my B/W toolbox if you have a minute: Deck link: Thanks!
With all the mountains you have, run some Fireblasts. You might want to add Browbeat and Chain Lightning as well, ditch the Lava Axes to make room. Check out my B/W Toolbox deck: Deck link:
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