Nice deck, if a little expensive (those swords hurt almost as much as the Wallet Sculptor). Surprised you didn't make this into a white control deck, considering that's what most of Norn's cards do, in effect. Oh, and Elesh Norn is a she, if such things occur in phyrexian anatomy.
Would've been nice for the Automaton, though.
Splash Blue for some card draw, more tapping effects, and proliferation?
Thanks for the imput Mercedes. Yeah, the card draw and bits of shuffling due to certain cards does help my odds quite a bit, though Hunter's Insight might really add to it. Only thing is, that subtracts from my possibilities for offensive spells to boost my myrllusions. Garruk would work, if he wasn't so bloody expensive (costwise, since I actually plan on constructing this for fun reasons). For Standard as of now, between the two, I'd definitely choose Beastmaster's, More cost-effective and the overall output is monstrous. And I noticed something about the ability on it too: I only need creatures to attack, not deal damage, to trigger its bonus. This gives me a bit to think on, thank you.
Thanks, I keep forgetting about the phyrexian mana (just because it's red doesn't mean it's RED). I thought about the infinite token business as well, but decided against on grounds of it now being cliche. Nothing wrong with being able to win by making an annoyed oppnent scoop, but I'd like the result to be based on the effort put forth by turning Myr into illusions. Ruthless Invasion REALLY helps, though.
No singles dealers around you? That's a real shame, now I understand.
The Fireslingers shoudln't take much away from the Crucible, considering there's only two of each respectively, and the Fireslinger is a great enabler for the Furyborn when it decides to rear its ugly head. The Assassins are decent low mana creatures, but their issue is that their mana cost includes two Swamps, as opposed to 2B. This makes it harder to play in a mana curve unless you have more dual lands or pain lands.
The more I draw on your deck, the more one pattern plays itself out: I can naver seem to get the right mana for the job. Dragonmaster Outcast is always there, but accompanied by maybe one mountain usually. And next to him there's the Mordant Dragon or the Furyborn. Ouch. I'm thinking it's because of this that people began gravitating more and more towards the 'Jund' state of mind, for more land ramp. B/R is still doable, but you have to be more careful. I'd suggest a playset of the Akoum Refuge to balance that out, and either 3 of the Blackcleave Cliffs or 3 of the Dragonskull Summits. Either way, it'll definitely help the curve out, and balance out the lands even more. Other than that, I can see the possibility for a Hellkite Charger in this deck to greatly affect your damage overall. Who can refuse a free extra combat step after the one you just had, anyways, especially when your combat step includes DRAGONS? Possibly add in some tinier critters to help balance out the curve more, considering that 22+ of your cards are in the CMC 4+ range, making this a slow to start deck. You could switch up a few dragons for some disposable Goblins, like some Arsonists or some Fireslingers, which do amazingly well with the bloodthirst. Not to mention you could have Voracious Dragon or Predator Dragon ready to eat the Goblins when you grew tired of them.
Good, balanced deck. If there's anything I'd suggest, it'd be Arc Trail.
You know, I had thought about that, and it makes sense, but the only problem I see is the need for more mana so I can activate his abilities. That, and I miss my playset of Mirage Volcanic Dragons, was so glad to see it make a return.
Hehehehe, I see the Liliana's Caresses made their way into your deck.
I like the idea you have with this deck, but there's a problem I forsee: Land. You have 12 1CMC cards to play, but out of those 4 are spells, and the other 8 can be quickly overrun by a serious black or red aggro deck. You have to REALLY work to get stuff out quick, and with plenty of 'oomph' to spare. I'd suggest lowering the amount of Baneslayers from 4 to 2, because you don't need 4 and there's other critters that can assist you. Lightkeeper of Emeria is a very helpful midrange Angel, for attack as well as defense. Sunblast Angel is great, but it only takes out tapped creatures. Since you don't have any tapping mechanisms to maximize the effect, you'd have to get away with letting them attack en masse to deal any lasting damage. Instead, I'd switch one out for a Linvala, Keeper of Silence (though she's damn expensive in the monetary sense), or even some Shepherds of the Lost. I have a bone to pick with your choice of spells as well. Timely Reinforcements is a great spell, don't get me wrong, but in here? Why no Safe Passage (for you, primarily), Dispatch would be effective as well, if you added more artifacts, granted. Overall, I like where the deck idea is headed, and it should keep going that way. It just needs a little tweaking.
Hey, thanks for the suggestion, didn't even remember Groundswell!
Only thing that I can see that will completely take the fight out of an opponent is land destruction. Of course, that might be bordering on being far too cruel, but sadism can be fun, too!
Man, I tried 10-12 hands with this deck, and let me tell you, it's damn solid. Every draw there was a standard 2-3 lands, which is hitting the sweet spot for it, and on average 3 equip and the rest creatures (Puresteel almost always there first). I'd honestly love to see this deck play out, especially against a speed infect. Now, I have a few questions. Firstly, why is the Flayer Husk in there? I can understand the low mana cost, but if you have a Puresteel with Metalcraft activated, couldn't you run a different Living Weapon that's do more than give you a mere +1/+1? Strandwalker or Skinwing would definitely be a bonus, though you'd be waiting a few more turns to pull them. Secondly, the Inkmoth Nexus. I'm utterly befuddled on this card, considering this isn't an infect deck. Now, even if you 'pod it, it's still poison counters. Which really doesn't do this deck a lot of good. I see where you COULD get a win condition with it by trying to one-shot midgame with Puresteel + Inkmoth + various equipments, but that's a bit chancy at best. Other than that, great deck overall. It certainly does work, almost in a clockwork fashion.
Aha, looks very similar, and yet different at the same time. Main difference of course being the monocolor as opposed to my dual, and that your uses a few other interesting little thingamajigs.
Howdy Ded. This is really a great theme for a deck, and even better for a 200th deck dedication. Now, while this deck focuses on the archaeological side, you might want to add in some more anthropology as well. The invisimancers make for good warrior-caste, but how about the actual diggers? Sea Gate Oracle does his share of digging, though he quits as soon as the sun rises. Too bad the Halimar Excavator spends her time looking through everyone else's midden piles for hidden gems. Of course, there's also a question of terrain. Rainforests often yield great discoveries, but sometimes the unwary can fall into Quicksand, And what better site to stumble across than some Ancient Ruins (especially for this deck)? And, if you're up to a little undersea excavation, the Halimar Depths are a good place to visit. Overall, great deck man, two thumbs up. Nothing more fun than a deck with an interesting theme that had effort put into it.
I thought I forgot something... Thanks, forgot about my Tainted Strikes and the thrones.
Pretty easily, yep. As for the asshole part, you get called that regardless, especially if you use a deck that has a real mean streak. I once made an Orzhov for multiplayer. It lasted all of that game, because as soon as my 'asshole' cards came out, every person on the field decided I wasn't playing nice. My newest deck is meant for multiplayer as well as single, but I suspect it will see the same demise as that poor Orzhov bastard. Coincidentally, it happens to be a Vampire deck. "Blood Disorder"
Interesting deck. I'm a little confused as to why the Comet Storm is in here, but okay. You do realize that it will be a pretty long shot trying to get the Mox to bounce off of multiple Mirrors so you have multple mana producers for every form of mana, correct? I do like the fact that you tried, though, and kudos to that.
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