
414 Decks, 373 Comments, 67 Reputation

Whoops on the Parallel Lives, got a little carried away.
If not Bane to rid yourself of pesky Enchantments, something to destroy enemy enchantments (or noncreature permanents) could be of great use. Primeval Light might be what you could use, since it specifies a target player, not all.
I'll take it Midnight guard is in there for Retraction Helix? Are you trying for ad infinitum? Maybe, just so you have a greater guarantee of drawing it, you could add in Banishing Knack?
I see Biovisionary as an alternate win-con, but only Infinite Reflection as its other cog in the wheel. I believe you could be helped again by Rite of Replication here, on multiple occasions. And just in case, there's Progenitor Mimic.

Posted 09 April 2015 at 14:05 in reply to #545024 on Bant All-stars


I never understood why the Nephilim were never made Legendary creatures. Yore-Tiller Nephilim is my favorite, but alas, it's not Legendary. Cool deck, though.

Posted 09 April 2015 at 10:42 as a comment on Ink-Treader, Radiant


Um... You can't have 24 Blossoming Sands. They're not basic.
Oh, and how about Ordeal of Heliod? Ten life in 3 turns or less for 2 mana.

Posted 09 April 2015 at 02:00 as a comment on Sleeves of the Undying


Novijen, the Heart of Progress would be a good addition here, as would Llanowar Reborn.
If you feel you need to move your counters in a timely manner, Bioshift would help there, and Simic Guildmage, on a lesser scale.
If you'd like more counters, and quickly, you could use Parallel Lives, Vorel of the Hull Clade, or Gilder Bairn.
Got problems with artifacts and enchantments? Throw out Bane of Progress and watch it eat through it all and gain counters for it.
Avatar of the Resolute would be good just for obvious reasons, not to mention 2 mana for a 3/2.

Posted 09 April 2015 at 01:50 as a comment on Bant All-stars


And that's where it gets tough. At the least, Hypersonic Dragon would be my first one out, just so I could trade it with the Leyline. I'd choose the Leyline over the Orrery because enchantments have a better synergy in this deck, in my eyes (Primarily as more fodder for your Sphere of Safety). I'm really on the fence about Sea Gate Oracle, I feel like he could be replaced with Monastery Mentor or another enchantment, mainly Web of Inertia.
Hehehehe, I wonder if anyone would even tell you they had a Rite of Replication for trade if they knew where it was going. Maybe trade out Divination for it, if you manage to get one?

Posted 09 April 2015 at 01:31 in reply to #544708 on Dragon Liberty


BW Warriors?
If so, you're gonna want low cost creatures, such as Bloodsoaked Champion, to populate your deck for aggro. Another really effective tool for this would be Atheos, the God of Passage. Make them have to pay life to keep your creatures in the graveyard, or else you have a consistent aggro army. BW is kind of low in hasty creatures, though, which is probably its biggest detractor in Modern.

Posted 08 April 2015 at 15:04 in reply to #544931 on Mysteries of the sea


I pretty much play Commander since T2 and Modern has gotten so bloody expensive, but I still play Modern from time to time.

Posted 08 April 2015 at 14:56 in reply to #544931 on Mysteries of the sea


Dang, I completely overlooked the artifacts. Keegan's right, that thing is banned for being too horribly broken. Try Mirari instead, so at least you can do some more spell copying.

Posted 08 April 2015 at 14:42 in reply to #544925 on Mysteries of the sea


True, I forgot about Arcanist. He's really good. Instead of Kederekt Leviathan, how about Cyclonic Rift?

Posted 08 April 2015 at 12:08 in reply to #544874 on Mysteries of the sea


Hello again!
I see blue made it to the forefront this time.
I look through this list, and I applaud the Enter the Infinite, but I notice its best friend is missing. Laboratory Maniac and Enter the Infinite were pretty much made for each other as an alternate win-con, no?
Since I started with a creature, let me start there, I guess. There's a few of these guys that seem like they came to the wrong party (I'm looking at you, Battlefield Thaumaturge, Meletis Charlatan and Daring Thief). For spell replication, I'd suggest Uyo, Silent Prophet, since she flies and it only costs 2 colorless to activate her ability (plus land return, but that's not bad, honestly). Instead of the Thief, consider this guy instead: Roil Elemental. For six mana you get a creature that rewards you for using land return mechanics in the way of granting you opponent's creatures every time you lay land down. Kederekt Leviathan will help with removal and tempo as well, so keep him in mind. And lastly, you say you want to counter? Try Draining Whelk, a creature-counter spell that gets counters from countering a spell. Counter an X-spell and chances are you are now the proud owner of a giant flying spaghetti monster.
There are some spells I see that definitely need to be in here (Dig Through Time, Dissipate, Rewind, Impulse), but then there's all these other ones that could use some optimizing. There's a marked lack of clone spells, with the exception of Clone Legion. Try out a Rite of Replication and you'll never regret putting it into any deck with blue in it. Fated Infatuation is even pretty decent since it gives you some scry on your turn as well as a copy. Cackling Counterpart has dual playability thanks to Flashback, and Supplant Form works on any creature and either grants tempo or works in your favor to return a creature for another use (such as the Whelk). Counterspells are another really big part of your arsenal, but there's only 10 total, and some of them are kind of bleh. Again, Rewind and Dissipate are really great, but Logic Knot is probably the most detrimental to your deck, and the specified counters will just rot in your hand. For more shenanigans, throw in Deprive and Familiar's Ruse. Both cost two blue and require a boomerang of sorts, which is just what your deck wants. For downright counters, Last Word will shut them down, 'nuff said. Classic Counterspell is a great card still, and Arcane Denial will give you and your opponent (if they remember) cards. Discombobulate works as a counter and a Sage Owl at the same time, and Dismiss gives you a card in addition to the counter. Dream Fracture works similarly to Arcane Denial, but only does one card instead of the two.

Posted 08 April 2015 at 02:16 as a comment on Mysteries of the sea


True, was thinking in terms of not having ANY flying, though. And yeah, that does help with the whole mana-fixing and the card draw issue, good idea. I have one last suggestion in terms of lands (I know, you've got a pretty good spread already), and that is Krosan Verge. Any land that lets you get TWO lands after sacrificing it is amazing, not to mention any color fixing is solved by just grabbing your shock lands. One and done.

Posted 08 April 2015 at 01:25 in reply to #544757 on Abzan Warriors


Wow, that was quick, all things considered.
For more Flying hate that gets behind you affinity for enchantments, look at Raking Canopy or Gravity Well.

As for the Bloodlord/Mephidross Combo, I believe you're correct, since it refers only to "creatures you control". I checked with the rulings on it, and it appears I put the cart ahead of the horse. You could run Conspiracy, but it would probably be better to just forgo the secondary combo and just stick with the 'Dross. On top of that, if you're looking for another thing to work in tangent with the 'Dross, you could run Hardened Scales or Rite of Passage.

As for the low curve, you'll still want some more fetch. Even just two spells/mana dorks/artifacts will make a world of difference in your mana production, especially when someone decides to Armageddon.

And something else I should have mentioned previously but didn't is graveyard retrieval. The occasional Umbra can help with this, but overall, your graveyard playability is rather low. I'd suggest, since a grand majority of your permanents are CMC 3 or less, replacing one of the Aura magi (probably the Giant) with the Sun Titan. Even if your graveyard is bereft of any other permanents, he can grab lands as well. Reveillark or Karmic Guide can also help to this extent, but Sun Titan is by far the superior since he retrieves permanents.

Oh, and Duneblast!

Posted 07 April 2015 at 15:59 in reply to #544757 on Abzan Warriors


So, primarily themed Warriors with an Aura/Counters sub-type. Interesting. Does Daghatar fit the bill for this plan? He's somewhat slow and costly to distribute counters (3 mana for a single counter to move seems somewhat obtuse). Have you considered Anafenza? While she wouldn't fit into the Warrior archetype (Soldier, after all), she would still help this deck wreck face by allowing you counter advantage for an attack as a price AND graveyard advantage by having the only populated graveyard. Oh, and a 3 CMC for a 4/4 is a steal.
I also noted that there's no board wipe present in your build. As powerful as your warriors can grow, there will be things they just can't beat down, not to mention the ghastly appearance of anything BLUE (Read here: CLONES). To prevent the board from being overpopulated by things potentially more threatening to you, look to White and Black. End Hostilities, Life's Finale, Damnation (at $50, unless you own it, good luck), Wrath of God, Fated Retribution... Basically anything to ruin your opponent's plans. For the Green side, get board wipe for your opponent's Enchantments and Artifacts (Fracturing Gust, Wave of Vitriol, Creeping Corrosion, etc.). One last thing Green can help with that you'll need: Flying defense. Look at Squall Line or Hurricane or any X-cost Green bug-b-gone and you'll be set.
Creature-wise, for the most part it's pretty solid. Arashin Foremost, Rhys the Redeemed, Warden of the First Tree, Bramblewood Paragon... All really awesome. Norwood Warrior, Mardu Hateblade, Disowned Ancestor, Kin-Tree Warden... Kinda ho-hum, to be honest. Butcher of Malakir could help you whittle down your opponent's field every time they hit something of yours, and he's a hefty 5/4 Flier. Another idea to consider is: You have Warriors, why not make them Vampire Warriors? By this, of course, I mean Mephidross Vampire, who turns every other creature you control into a Vampire that gains +1/+1 counters! Add him in and then you can toss in stuff like Bloodlord of Vaasgoth, which will also give you more +1/+1 counters! This could get out of hand very quickly, and your warriors could very easily overwhelm any opponent, especially with the Coat of Arms out (Vampire AND Warrior bonuses? Scary). Card advantage becoming an issue? Drumhunter can help with this, provided you have a big guy out on the field every end of turn. Need some epic face-beating abilities to overwhelm the walls? Throw in Jazal Goldmane and pump him full of mana and watch it all fall apart. Want more Warrior tokens to build your army? Throw in Nath of the Gilt-Leaf and watch the army grow while your opponent's hand withers.Need more global abilities for your warriors? Throw in Tuskguard Captain for Trample, or Abzan Falconer for Flying (only one of these isn't a Warrior).
When it comes down to the artifacts, there's only one thing I can truly think to say in this situation, and that is Bow of Nylea. Deathtouch for your attacking creatures, tucking for your OR your opponent's graveyard, Flying defense AND counter generation means that this should be a given in this deck. Or any deck with Green in it, honestly. You could use some more mana ramping as well, now that I think about it. Armillary Sphere, Darksteel Ingot, Exploration Map, Burnished Hart, even Abzan Banner. Just something to help boost mana.

Posted 07 April 2015 at 14:07 as a comment on Abzan Warriors


Uugh, the one thing I loathe to play against: land destruction. Few things are more frustrating than watching an opponent whittle away at your deck's lifeforce. This is just devious, not to mention nasty. At least you were nice enough to use From the Ashes instead of Ruination...

Question 1: Why use the Hypersonic Dragon instead of the Leyline of Anticipation or Vedalken Orrery?

Question 2: Why not use Rite of Replication? You have a good deal of creatures that could benefit from cloning.

Question 3: With the large number of noncreature spells you play, have you considered using Monastery Mentor for pumpable tokens?

Question 4: Control is a large part of this deck. Have you seen or considered Web of Inertia? If so, why not?

Question 5: Mana Web is a fairly effective way of dealing with other control opponents, as is War's Toll (which the latter goes nicely with your Propaganda-like enchantments). Did you consider these when conceptualizing the deck?

(NOTE: none of these are meant to be derogatory in any way, just questions and statements viewing card utility in and without the deck.)

Posted 07 April 2015 at 02:18 as a comment on Dragon Liberty


Hmmm. Possibly Patriarch's Bidding? If you have something that distributes counters on your creatures, you won't actually need it (granted you have Marchesa out, both problems are solved). A really great fact about Marchesa is that if she goes to the graveyard with a counter on her as well, at the end of turn her ability resolves and you may return all creatures that had counters on them, including her.

Posted 03 April 2015 at 01:37 in reply to #544113 on Marchesa EDH


Two words for you, my friend: Blood Speaker.
Another two: Demon's Herald.

I'm kinda surprised there's not much in the way of sacrifice shenanigans running around in this deck. Seeing as the Demons (Extractor Demon; Ob Nilixis, Unshackled; Reaper From the Abyss; Seizan, Perverter of Truth, etc.) are inherently evil (Undying Evil) and incredibly capricious when involving lifeforms that are NOT themselves, they have the tendency to either make their adherents sacrifice themselves at the Altar (Altar of Shadows, Altar's Reap, Altar of Dementia, Carnage Altar, etc.), or just outright devour them themselves (Devour Flesh, Devour in Shadow).

Speaking of adherents and fodder, Demons like to have multiple agents to multiply their gains (Ill-Gotten Gains, Moonlight Bargain, Yawgmoth's Bargain). In addition to the obvious cultists (Selhof Occultist, Skirsdag Cultist, Blood Cultist) under their employ, Demons utilize the shock troop units of the Nine Hells: Devils (Charmbreaker Devils, Squealing Devil, Flayer of the Hatebound, Heckling Fiends, etc.). None of this even includes a Demon's wide array of death and destructive magics (Devil's Play, Life's Finale, Cruel Ultimatum, Bonfire of the Damned, etc.) at their disposal.

Just some ideas for a little more synergy and flavor in your already-interesting tribal deck.

Posted 02 April 2015 at 14:37 as a comment on Marchesa EDH


Hmm, Instants... Spin Into Myth works a a great tempo/trick, Brand is good for preventing creature theft, Blustersquall...

To be honest, mostly with Narset I played enchantments and sorceries to get the most out of her ability.
I DEFINITELY suggest playing with Vedalken Orrery and/or Leyline of Anticipation, as these will both save your butt more times than you'll be able to count (actually, I try to play at least one if not both in each of my Commander decks.)

Posted 04 March 2015 at 15:46 in reply to #535760 on More Creature's and Burn [EDH]


Oh, no, I realize how toolboxes work, this one just seemed a bit extravagant to me. Really hard to encompass a full idea of how this deck would work unless actually working against it. No Conjurer's Closet to set off the 'crows for another permanent kill every turn? Venser is definitely good for that, though. So was it meant initially to be a duel Commander deck? For Multi-player you could throw in some prison cards to affect the overall field (Overburden, Mystic Barrier, Propaganda, etc.). Guess the win conditions are primarily Vraska and Liliana?

Posted 14 February 2015 at 14:35 in reply to #535763 on Scarewalkers


I ran it with precisely one other creature (to prevent myself from being milled to death by Telemin Performance), and it was Kederekt Leviathan. Hilarious. Everything else was noncreature spells and enchantments. Ended up with four turns in a row once, 6 different combat phases.

Posted 14 February 2015 at 14:24 in reply to #535760 on More Creature's and Burn [EDH]


I've used her as a Commander, and I can tell you this: in one on one, she's nasty. Multiplayer games, make sure you have plenty of stalls.

Posted 14 February 2015 at 03:21 in reply to #535760 on More Creature's and Burn [EDH]


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