Hmm, it's a good thing I like efficiency over the 'wow' factor. This isn't my best control deck, far from it, but it was a new idea for it, so I decided to try for it. Over time it will be refined. Thank you for the comment, however, and I urge you to look at other decks I have made.
Forogot about that, actually. Meant to add Relic of Progenitus. Thanks.
Thanks, glad someone saw this one. I do tribals on occasion, but usually it's only the odd tribes out I make a deck for.
Sunsinger is an interesting addition. And it stays on key with your fetish for rarity. Thankfully, that one is not quite expensive, and is pretty workable. Only issue with it is that it only corellates to one creature, and that is itself. And I'm still trying to understand what the Goblin Guide does for this deck. Next issue is with mana occurance. You have 16 white mana symbols present in this deck, yet Plains are the minority in this deck. Every time I draw a hand from this deck, I end up with 2/3 of the mana sources you need and no mana producers. Running a tri-color deck means you have to try to keep up with the mana you need, so sometimes the multi-color creatures get put to the side in favor of easy-to-play monocolor cards. Without a land boost present, you're going to possibly be stuck with cards you can't play just because you don't have the right color of mana. Overall, the deck just isn't solid enough, there isn't a synergy in here. It's just become an amalgam of creatures tossed in to appease Mayael, though now she has precious few to find. I suggest a serious overhaul of this deck, to make it more playable as well as more fun to use. Again, this is not just idle criticism, I'm seriously trying to help.
Rhys the Redeemed. Most certainly.
I'd have to say, it's pretty straightforward. Pyro's, Burn, Burn, Counter, Burn, Scry, Burn. Simple, effective, and just plain mean.
MCNest, you know we can't take a look at that deck because it's in edit mode, right? :D
I appreciate the comment, Fen. Yes, Liquimetal Coating has so many uses that I've seen so far. I have a Green/Red deck that focuses on the sacrifice of artifacts as well, And having Molder Beast + Ferrovore is very beneficial to the deck's inner workings. I will most certainly look at your deck, to see how you best used the Liquimetal yourself.
Ah, Ded, you hit on one of my favorite parts of the Kamigawa set. This is fairly mean, Especially once you get those Hondens out to make people feel real crappy and wish they played green.Actually, I have never seen Bunrei, and that makes it all the more effective. I have to admit, though, I'm surprised you didn't run Black in here, what with the essential Devouring Greed. And the Zuberas are pretty powerful in their own right, as long as you avoid the crappy 4 CMC ones (gods I hated them). Oh, and though you mention it, you do notice you forgot the Gohei in here, right? Time for sideboard. :D Overall, really sweet deck, especially with Kokusho hiding around the corner to say hello. This makes me want to put my old deck up here, and I think I might. *grins*
Hmmm, I agree with crackjunior's asessment. Something needs to defend Mayael, perhaps some simple enchantments, such as Shielding Plax, a Totem, or even Canopy Cover, one of my personal favorites. Fire At Will is a pretty unique card, but to maximize the effect and minimize the CMC, how about a nice Pyroclasm? Much easier to bring out if you're tied for mana, and does 2 damage to each creature anyways. Another unique card in here is Edge of Autumn. My only problem with it ithat you have a limitor on it. In a green deck. Since Green is ramp, limitations shouldn't occur for your mana-scrounging. You'd be better off adding an extra Kodama's Reach, or even adding in some Naturalizes. Next question to occur is that of Emrakul. There's a lot of him in here. In my opinion, 1 Emrakul should be enough, since the deck doesn't seem to run on him alone, rather it prefers Mayael. If you have issues with Legend summoning, there's a great green card from Kamigawa that can help you: Time of Need. Only 1G, too. Now, don't take this as being harshly critical, but aren't you downplaying commons and uncommons? It seems that the majority of your creatures are composed of rares, which can be fairly expensive in monetary AND mana terms. Since this deck is a Naya Variant, why not add in some Druid of the Anima and minus the fairly costly BoP? That could also take out your need for the Elves of Llanowar. This seems to be a stompy variant, but it is in dire need of some less expensive big critters. Baloths, Thoctars, some Dragons even (Dragon Whelp, for instance) could all be beneficial to this deck. I like the way you're going here, but it just isn't going far when it runs into a quicker, smaller deck. Too many weaknesses, too much reliance on massive rares. I wish you luck with your reforming, and hope you don't take my words as insult, only as constructive criticism. - Az
All comments, as usual, accepted, as well as all constructive criticism.
*laughs* Well put, sir, well put. To say the least, it has always been interesting to look at your various deck ideas, as well as to comment on them. Deciding to make each deck unique is a great idea, though sometimes the great Deck-Building Muse has a tendency to up and run on you (spent 2 years in a span without making a new deck). This is one of the reasons why I enjoy forums like these, rather than put them down: inspiration comes in many different forms here, even if there are net-deckers. And you are hardly one of those. You ask us to leave a question with our comments, so: "Out of the colors utilized in the game, which one do you believe suits your personality and your playing ability the best?" As to favorite cards... Damn, you ask a tough one. I'd have to say there's a 6-way tie, honestly. 1U, common, Dream Stalker (TS) 2U, common, Merfolk Thaumaturgist (PC) 1W, common, Whitemane Lion (PC) 1R, uncommon, Hellspark Elemental (CF) 2BR, common, Singemind Ogre (AR) 1U, common, Miscalculation (UL) Happy New Year, my friend, and may it be a good one!
Happy Holidays, man. Hmm. Where to begin. Ah: Reverberate. A mini-Ascension, if you will. True, if you have your Pyromancer's Ascension already out, you shouldn't need it, but it will be helpful in cases that you find yourself short. My usual Call to Mind comes to mind as well, in case you're playing a "Oh-my-god-I-gain-X-life" deck. And where's the big guns? No Fireball, or even better, Banefire? Banefire would be BADASS in this deck, man, even if it is just two. Oh, and to stop those annoying healers from going up further, how about a Leyline of Punishment or two? Mean, current, and really pisses you off. Another neat one, and recently reprinted in Tenth Edition (can't remember if that was before or after Lorwyn, though) is the Furnace of Rath. Just imagine having all of those out in tangent: You play a Lightning Bolt, which does 6 Damage thanks to the Furnace, and is copied thanks to the Ascension. For one mana, you just knocked out over half of your opponent's life, essentially, AND the damage can't be prevented. Holy shit, ouch. And you still have mana to use! As for creatures, there's only two I could even dare suggest to augment this deck: Fire Servant or Chandra's Spitfire. Great deck man, like it overall. Enjoy the holidays!
Persistent, aren't they? I'll try to avoid the Blue Elephant in this deck, *cough* Jace the Big Douche *cough* and look at what could be of use. *grins* Since I'm guessing this is T2 standard, my usual control freaks are pushed out of the equation. In all honesty, though I see why you might have done it, the Disfigures and the Doom Blade seem kind of out of place. Why not utilize the ridiculous power of Grasp of Darkness, regardless of the mana occurrance issue? would free up a few spaces and get rid of some otherwise less-effective cards. Of course, I also have bones to pick with Duress and the Inquisition of Kozilek. I know they're there to pick out what you don't want your opponents to have specifically, but they're just so specific. Unfortunately, there's no other cards in Standard right now to help with this issue unless you change to blind discarding. Sorry about that painfully long paragraph. Next, I've got to question the choice of critters. Grave Titan is a tremendously helpful card, WHEN you can get him out. I have much the same issue with the Oracle, since his mana cost is really not worth his ability, unlike our awfully large friend. If you drop the Oracle, Call to Mind could be of great use to this deck for various purposes. Creaturewise, the only critters I xould see as possibly more beneficial to this are card draw or the Screeching Silclaw, which isn't exactly catered to in this deck. Overall, Aa, I like the deck idea, and see it in use, but it does have a few problems, mainly in the way of defense and offense. Without that Titan, you'd be sunk, man. 6.8/10
I considered Mana Leak, but Stoic Rebuttal is a good, solid 'counter' as opposed to the 'counter unless'. Altough, putting the mana curve into consideration, you are more likely than not right, thought you forgot to consider the Silver Myrs. :D Well, I really aimed more for Standard, seeing as I threw in some M11 to pan out my artifact abilties. Yes, I really like the Certarch as well, especially when I have a Voltaic Key and Liquimetal Coating out. Just because of that combo I'd consider putting the Palladium Myr in here, if it were more useful. I appreciate the comments and suggestions, Atlas, especially since they are very sensible.
Comments and suggestions always accepted. Please make all criticism constructive.
Thanks for the comment. Yeah, this deck, every time I've played it, has never hurt for mana once, and I almost always get a Fusion Elemental/Behemoth Sledge Combo by turn 4 or 5.
Hmmm. Captivating Vampire comes to my attention. For that card, I would possibly consider replacing it with the Mephidross Vampire, just for the sheer fact that he acts as a vampire synergy for the entire deck. I also agree with Jaoush, the Bloodghast is an excellent card, but as for Pulse Tracker... Not so much. That's a card more meant for a battle of attrition, something this deck is not even considering. 7.8/10 could definitely use improvement, but good deck overall.
Not that I know, but it IS damn expensive to get. :S
Honestly, his entire arsenal is just too badass to pass up. Not only do you get a Blink effect, but you also get unblockable AND exile removal? WTF Awesome FTW.
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