Not to offend, but it seems everyone who first starts on this site is determined to post a Vampire deck. Literally the 6th or 7th one in the past few days that's been posted. Now I understand the Vampire tribe is a thing of interest, but does everyone have to post a Vampire deck? A little originality is certainly welcome. Besides that, this is a good deck basically, But it's missing one key thing: Sanguine Bond. And instead of the Pawns of Ulamog, how about Vampire Nighthawk for the Lifelink and Flying defense? You'll easily be overpowered with a flying deck if you don't have a defense against it. Again, no offense meant, but I look forward to new deck ideas.
Well, I'm guessing it's standard type, so a lot of the old Aura buffs aren't going to work. I'm going to have to look into a few more if that's the case, but Canopy Cover is definitely a good idea in any case.
Interesting deck. I agree with Tom, but in this case you ARE trying to drain their life, so giving them the choice to lose more or to tap the creature does seem to fit. Pacifisim works, but Pillory of the Sleepless is just that much better, because you gain life. Basically, this deck is meant to really get your opponents PO'd at you, and slow loss of life will do that unfailingly. Might want to look at some Souls of the Faultless as well, good defender for a deck like this.
This always guarantees an interesting hand. I like it, but there is few Aura cards in it. Very interesting play.
Thanks man, the idea came from a friend's Bringer deck and how he used it. Figured if it works well for them, it will work better for Eldrazi.
Well, good deck for the most part. You really don't need that many of Gideon Jura or Elspeth, though, just 2 of each should suffice to give you a decent chance to draw one or the other. It would also appear that the only interest you have is in rare cards. It would be a good idea to add in some commons and uncommons to make for quicker play.
Hehehehe. There was a large amount of Horror type cards out of Torment and Urza's for the most part, but they usually are a rare or uncommon find otherwise. I actually grew up with a Belbe's Portal in my Zombie tribal, which is how I found out about it. Evil card. I have a feeling Scars of Mirrodin is going to introduce us to a new set of Horrors, hopefully.
Captivating Vampire has its uses, as does Unholy Strength. There's a reason they've seen fit to reprint Unholy Strength so many times: B for a +2/+1 buff can quickly give you an early-game advantage. But, for the rest of that, I'll agree.
Nice deck, though I'd personally add more Diabolic Tutors And nix the Rise from the Graves. No Zombies in this deck just Vampires. Better to just keep the Grim Discovery and toss the one Tomb Hex. The Barony Vampire really annoys me, but that's your choice (3/2 for 3 mana just seems like a bad idea to me.). Lately a lot of people have been posting Vampire decks, and they've frankly gotten old fairly quick (no offense).
Thanks, man, appreciate the suggestions. Yeah, the costs are kind of high.
The new Vampire tribe has upsides and faults. Upsides - Vampires are more easily accessible, and a deck of them makes for excellent Life Drain. - Gives you another reason to flaunt Coat of Arms and other tribe buffers. - Some of these new Vampires are just kickass (Bloodghast, Vampire Nighthawk mainly) Downsides - Kills the rarity factor with Vampires. Before Zendikar, they were hard to come by, but when you did, they were absolutely worth it. - Vampires now work mainly well with only Vampires. (And Zombies) - I have to look at Vampires and be constantly reminded of that garbage known as the Twilight movie series. THANKS, WotC.
Just one problem: Ulamog, The Infinite Gyre. "If Ulamog, The Infinite Gyre would be put into your graveyard from anywhere, its owner shuffles Ulamog their graveyard into their library." If a Suffer the Past isn't in your hand immediately, you've got an issue with this guy, not to mention your Traumatizes can be nullified by Ulamog if he happens to be one of the discarded. But if your friend has managed to have a Eldrazi Monument in play, there's the issue of getting rid of Ulamog, especially if he can summon Spawn tokens out the wazoo. Yes, he can be milled, but you'd better make sure you can take out his Ulamog. Eradicate would do nicely to neutralize this massive nuisance.
Taking out Doubling Season would take out some of the effectiveness. However, I think you're right about the Cylix, so the replacement is pretty self-explanatory.
... Did you notice the Doubling Season? It IS green.
Hmmmm. There's a lot of removal in here. What happens when the graveyard's empty? Sure, you can bumrush them with a ton of 2/2 Zombie tokens (+1/+1 if you add the Reaper's bonus). But if the opponent has a deck that pretty much consists of burn, you're going to have an issue. Maybe add in some white preventative cards?
That is one expensive deck. From what I see, though, worth it.
Er, why do you have the Stinkdrinker Daredevil if you have so few Giants? I'd suggest adding in a few Boldwyr Intimidators and some spells as well, like Lightning Helix.
I like the idea, but you have nothing I can see to maximize the Horseshoe Crab's ability.
I enjoy playing decks like this one, but I've often found that mixing the black with U and/or W turns it into something even more loathed. I'd have to agree with Kaim, though, Dash Hopes is an awesome card for a deck like this. That, and remove the Contaminated Roots, too specific on which land to use it on. (2/5 just isn't good chances)
Hehehe, good point. Didn't even think about him, for some reason. Thanks for the heads-up.
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