
414 Decks, 373 Comments, 67 Reputation

Saying turn 5 as a win makes me wonder what you're playing against.....
And if they know what they're doing. Glad to see the Pulse Trackers tossed, though, fairly useless card, even for a Twinklepire.

Posted 19 September 2010 at 19:29 as a comment on Vampires


4x Darkheart Sliver? Odd place to put them, though they fit the bill for sacrifice, there's other things to use that'd be more effective, in my opinion. And Riftsweeper is only good if you happen to run across a Morph deck, which isn't as likely as it was when Future Sight and its ilk was around.

4x Graveborn Muse? Again, I like its application in general, but there's not really many more Zombies here.

Posted 19 September 2010 at 18:10 as a comment on Savra's Sacrifice


No, no, no. You see, you named it wrong, these aren't Vampires at all.
What we have here is a horde of Twinklepires.

But, if you'd like a useful comment on it (well, useful in a sense YOU'LL like), you're missing what every other person and their cousin who posts a Vampire deck on here is missing: Sanguine Bond.

NOTE: Sanguine Bond not only sounds catchy and makes sense, it's a great card for a Twinklepire deck, and Vampires. Not to mention, the word sanguine refers to BLOOD. Yep, your creature's supposed source of food. I think they drink Bloody Marys and shine in the sunlight personally, but that's just me.

Oh, and drop the Pulse Tracker. Or you could military-style execute them. 1 damage to everyone when you swing isn't worth it, especially since he's easily blocked and destroyed. Other than that and the fact they're Twinklepires, it is a decent deck, admittedly.

Posted 19 September 2010 at 17:41 as a comment on Vampires


Very nice theme, man, I like it.
However, it would seem that your creatures hear voices... Might need a psychologist for them.

Everything fits nicely, and it makes a great interlocking theme overall. I can't even think of anything to add to it to make it more Voice-ful other than one thing: Akroma's Memorial.


Posted 19 September 2010 at 17:26 as a comment on voices


... 3 creatures. My friend, you might some more to help. 0/1 Eldrazi Spawn tokens only help to get them out. Add some of the Spawning creatures? Other than that, the idea of using the Mass Polymorph to pull them is pretty entertaining, if it does take a little while to play.

Posted 18 September 2010 at 09:04 as a comment on Spawn Mass Poly


Some constructive criticism for you:
It's not creative, there's no interest to it, and there's no good spells or artifacts. Lastly, You didn't even put Thrumming Stone into it. If it wasn't for the fact that it's a black deck, I'd use 'vanilla' to describe it.

Posted 15 September 2010 at 18:49 as a comment on Relentless Rats


LOL no problem, just noticed the error and realized you had availability for more burnage. You're welcome.

Posted 15 September 2010 at 18:27 in reply to #87487 on Burn, Burn, Burn


Ah, okay, that makes more sense. xD

Posted 15 September 2010 at 16:39 in reply to #87473 on Forest Totems


Agh, pelted by ones and twos!
Why do you have all this 1x and 2x?

Posted 15 September 2010 at 15:10 as a comment on Forest Totems


Again, yeah, Counterspell would be better, I just decided to use Cancel for once, since I like to use Counterspell in most of my decks (since they're also Legacy format).

Posted 15 September 2010 at 14:57 in reply to #87456 on Telepathic Hivemind


That was one of my issues with the Talon Sliver, pretty much.
I was really aiming to use mainly new Slivers for this deck, but I had to use Winged for obvious reasons.

Posted 15 September 2010 at 14:55 in reply to #87455 on Telepathic Hivemind


Er, I'm not going to be the only person to notice, but....
There's 40 cards in this deck.

Posted 15 September 2010 at 14:14 as a comment on Burn, Burn, Burn



Actually, it was me. You inspired the idea for it, so thank you as well.

Posted 15 September 2010 at 12:33 in reply to #87429 on Old Golgari


Hmmm, suggestions.....

Well, first I'm overjoyed to see the Golgari, as they were not only Ravnica, but they were also PLANT ZOMBIES.

Guess I'll start with Spells first this time. A card that goes really well with the Golgari state of mind is Nature's Spiral (1G, Sorcery). For 1G, you get to return ANY card to your hand from your graveyard, much better than your Recollect there. Last Gasp was one of the better creature kill spells to come out in Ravnica, sheerly because it was 1B to give -3/-3, a godsend in the beginning of the game. Now, Giant Growth is a nice, multipurpose card, but there's other cards that'll work just as nice, such as Prey's Vengeance, which gives you the Rebound.

Enchantment time! I see you have the Gift of the Deity in there already, a excellent choice. Maybe more, say 2-3? Moldervine is neat as well, but there's other cards that'll work too, such as Canopy Cover to insure damage, or Primal Cocoon to build up a baddy to release when it's got enough counters on it.

And now, the creatures. My first issue is Stinkweed Imp, a good base card to help your curve, but too expensive for too little P/T. Granted, he has Deathtouch, but there are other cards with Reach/Flying and Deathtouch now, as well, and are more agreeable to your power needs. Vampire Nighthawk is very effective, a 2/3 with Flying, Deathtouch, AND Lifelink. Skysweeper: EXPENSIVE cost for an ability. And really, you don't need him. I'd honestly just toss him for another Brownscale or a newer, meaner critter: Skeletal Wurm. Better than the Rotwurm as a 7/6, and with the added bonus of B: Regenerate.

Posted 15 September 2010 at 11:36 as a comment on Old Golgari


I agree much with Hazzard0us. D_Roc, sTr8-jAcKeT, Hazzard0us himself, Irrelevant, and a few others, to start. All of these folks are pretty respectable.

Posted 15 September 2010 at 10:25 in reply to #86819 on Gobblin' Goblin


Does not target creatures.
"B: Pestilence deals 1 damage to each creature and each player."

No targeting whatsoever, just simple damage to all. Globalized. Protection nullified.
Not that I'm trying to burst your bubble, man, just trying to state a point.

Posted 14 September 2010 at 16:59 in reply to #87300 on White Pestilence


It would be pretty neat, if it wasn't for the fact that protection from black won't save your creatures from the Pestilence. Since Pestilence is a enchantment with a global ability, you're going to end up nuking every creature on the board.

Posted 14 September 2010 at 13:59 as a comment on White Pestilence


Ah, Perlex. What a wonderfully evil card.
And a common nonetheless. In Ravnica days, it was probably a common because of its massive aid to a Hellbent deck. "Hmmm, counter my spell, or discard my hand, allowing my spell to gain full potential? You guess."

Nowadays, it's just a WRONG card, and putting it in a Liliana deck is also WRONG, man. Which is why it fits perfectly. For a well-made deck including one of my all-time favorite cards, a 9.1/10 is certainly in order. The only reason it's not a 10/10 is because you forgot to add a few other good ones to go along with, as well as made one mistake: Mind Funeral. No discarding, buddy, that's just milling. No dice.

Posted 14 September 2010 at 13:54 as a comment on liliana's WTFBOOM


I'm fairly sure you mean Soldiers.

But, sarcastic comments aside, I can safely say I like this deck much more than your other one. Admittedly, it's because the other one consists of Twinklepires, but nonetheless.

Now, on to the analysis...
While it IS a Soldier deck, you have waaaaay too many 1x cards in here. Your best chance is to condense your creatures down into a good core of easy-to-play, trustworthy cards that won't cost too much in the long run. And, of course, they are to be Soldiers, obviously from your deck name, unless they are meant to be a more solid base (sorry if you miss the bad pun). So, that means the Missionaries and the Shield-Bearers get tossed by default. Why the Shield-Bearers, you ask? Yes, they're Soldiers, but you have ONE Defender card in the entire deck, so his synergy bonus is null. Toss him for something better, my friend.

You're trying to make the Soldier deck into a control/soldier deck. And I hate to say it, but it's not working. You again focus on the 1x cards in your spell list, which, unless they are rare or a not as often played card, is sheer ridiculousness. 1x is saved for Highlander and EDH formats and hard to come by cards, not weenie decks. In my opinion, the U can just be tossed to make way for a more unified white weenie deck. And, wait, wait... Where is your Vanguard?! W for a 2/1 Soldier and he's nowhere in sight...... Sadness.

On to your interesting mix of Enchantments. First off, the drop list: ALL.
None of this actually helps your deck achieve its goal, so why's it there? Add in a Honor of the Pure or two to buff your W Soldiers, and wreak havoc with armies. After, that's what a pack of Soldiers is called. Though this might be a rabble.

Posted 14 September 2010 at 13:46 as a comment on Solider Deck


*looks right, then back to the left*

... Your sideboard is almost as big as your deck. xD
I'm actually unable to think of something to say about this deck other than that.

Posted 13 September 2010 at 13:11 as a comment on MOAR MANA


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