Oh, but, I do like the Terry Goodkind reference.
Errr... Galvanic Blast doesn't live up to its full potential. Maybe replace it with Lightning Bolt?
Very nice idea. I especially like the fact that this is a misleading deck when your opponent plays against it. As soon as Braids pops out, they'll think "Oh, a Stompy, no big deal". As soon as they start putting out their creatures, artifacts or what have you, they'll notice something is very, very wrong when they see the wand. For free. Then begins the tide of damage as you counter, burn and pretty much reduce them to a weeping mess. That is, IF you get all of your needed creatures and artifacts out for the combo. 7.4/10
Y'know, a lot of folks would probably be willing to concede after taking this kind of mindf@#k. Except there's one problem with this deck: The main things it relies upon are somewhat expensive in most terms. Not to mention, in SoM, you're looking at a lot of artifact hate, so since it takes a mere 1R to Shatter a Chalice... Don't get me wrong, I love deck ideas like this, meant to simply piss your opponent off and force them out of the game. BUT, the reliance on the artifacts (Mindslaver and Chalice in particular) is really going to hurt this deck. Also, I'm not sure how effective your Trinket Mages are, considering there's only one artifact they can fetch for you. Consider a Spellbomb, possibly, just for the card draw and the Mage. Not to mention, doing that would let you REALLY use your scrying to its full advantage. I'd hate to see this deck in motion, but even more, I'd hate to see it meet a RDW in combat. 7.1/10
Oh, and Putrefax + Distortion Strike + Vines of Vastwood = DEATH Nope, no other way to put it, just DEATH. In one DAMN turn.
No, pretty sure he means 'lenses', since he's referring to multiples.
Of all the weird, creepy and WTF moments I've seen, putting an entire herd of Pegasus onto the Altar to feed a gigantic Banefire is pretty damn out there. Great job, yours is without a doubt the winner.
Wow, looks like I just missed this post by a moment.
Could be he's going by T2 standards. Especially judging from the fact that all there is in here is Scars of Mirrodin.
Well, I only have one Metalcrafting card. I use my artifacts mainly for the same thing you do, to fling them at people in a blind rage until they stop moving. Liquimetal is mainly there for me to turn evem my creatures into artifacts so I can toss them at you too.
I really wish. Sadly, if you read Sanguine Bond; "Whenever you gain life, target opponent loses that much life." The part that sucks about that: Loss of life won't trigger Tamanoa, like I wish it would. However, the combo is still one way for them, so whenever they get burned, I gain, then they lose more. So, in effect, I double their damage while gaining the initial life. Thank you for the comment, though, Iscalisi.
Wait, wait, wait. Creature destruction a Zombie weakness?!? If anything it's a great advantage, no weakness at all. However, your Flying point is pretty correct. Zombies pretty much hate flying, which is why the sacrifice mechanics help that. Interesting deck, though, and surprised not to see any sacrifice Zombies in here.
I checked it out when you first made it, Lilz. Interesting deck idea.
Hmm, very good point. Although, maybe if I add some more counterspells.... :D
I don't know about unplayable... And BoP costs some pretty ridiculous money, Tomathan, was aiming for mostly lower-priced cards. But yeah, was a S&G deck, got a little bored. Felt like the Hellions because they're not often used and I happen to like the Blitz Hellion. Although, to make it more playable, the Rootbound Crag would make a nice addition. Then again, this thing needs a little bit more to be playable, which I grant it is lacking.
Y'know... Contagious Nim would be a good addition to the Zombie deck, especially one that's multipurpose.
Well, since standard is getting ready to rotate, there's a new Vampire in game. In fact, he's the only real vampire there's been since before Zendikar's Twinklepires. Only problem is, you'd need more Artifacts to use him to your advantage. Other than that, the only thing I see wrong is that you have more Pulse Trackers than Nighthawks. Nighthawk is a much better card, I'd say nix the Pulse Tracker, he's got a weak ability.
Again, I forget Terminate. Thanks, Marcus.
So, um, did you plan to ever get anything done with this deck? While this deck is trying to get together and hit something, it's going to be hit pretty hard by a well-constructed deck. I would suggest a more central theme other than just "black creatures", because that's VERY broad.
*grins* Thanks, Aaboy, glad you like it. Besides Phyrexia, I've always loved the Specters, and wanted to make a deck of them. The only reason I didn't add Blightning, for one reason: Every creature causes the opponent to discard. So, instead of adding spells that make them discard, I decided to make spells that make them draw. What better than Sign In Blood? I do appreciate the suggestions and the exuberant commentary. :D
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