Good gods, that is a veritable Tall-Small Midget!
Yes, these concern me as well. As for the Beast (AKA the Vorpal Rabbit), Vizzerdrix fits this role rather nicely, though it's not quite the cute-and-fluffy-beast-with-bloodred-eyes. Tim does indeed blow things up at random, but for sheer cosmetic purposes, Ovinomancer fits the bill and -sort of- blows things up in a way. I mean, it appears that the Wizards crew used him as the template for Ovinomancer, down to the horns. The Trojan Rabbit worried me as well, and I was unable to find an approximation of it, though possibly Juggernaut? No, too dangerous.
I require... A SHRUBBERY! Very nice name man, one I can certainly appreciate. Makes me want to add Ovinomancer, though, honestly. Oh, and for flavor, Ivory Chalice. :P
While Quillspike isn't Persist, it is persistant. Heartmender removes the counters, but to what use? The only thing it does is make it so that your persist creatures can persist again, with no extra benefit.
Sweet, about time someone else put up a Horror deck! (Standard, too... :P) I can see why the Clasps were in here, at least I believe. My guess is for extra creature kill, though in my opinion, it slows down the deck. I'd toss in some Hideous Visage instead, since not only is it flavorful, but achieves a goal pretty nicely. As for spare creature kill, you might want to sideboard some Doom Blades, just in case you run into an artifact deck. Go For The Throat will really laugh at you if you face off Myr. My deck of Horror is a legacy version, but it's still close kin to yours. :D
This is true, I always thought Filth should give creatures Fear, myself. To make up for that, you could toss in some Evil Presence or some Vedalken Plotter if you have an excess of land around.
Thanks very much, wh1t3d34th, I appreciate it.
What, no Rhys? I like the inclusion of Ezuri, though. Seriously, it's overrun on a stick for elves, not including the nice regeneration factor. I do think Rhys could still help this deck out, though, and quite a bit.
Hmm. You make a really good point. (You like that Mimic Vat a lot, don't you, Chainer?) Question is, what to remove to place them? Answer, I see some Myrsmiths that aren't doing much. 'Preciate it Chainer.
Hmm. Instead of Cancel, why no Deprive? Sure you send a land back to hand, but keep in mind that helps to trigger the Roil Elemental. Also, there seems to be no hand maximizer to keep all those cards in hand. Reliquary Tower or Spellbook would help this deck easily.
I know what you're thinking... Where's the Sphere? Well, decided to make this deck without it, figured it already has enough pull without putting that mean little twit in here too.
When Boldwyr Heavyweights comes into play, each opponent may search his or her library for a creature card and put it into play. Then each player who searched his or her library this way shuffles it. This creates an issue for your primary, combination, seeing as you're not your own opponent. I hope.
My apologies. I always assuumed they were removed as soon as they left the battlefield.
Needs To Arms! added. And instead of Demystify, Revoke Existence would work for more flexibility. Oh, and I checked out this deck initially because I was expecting cats.
LOL hint? *eyes the very pricy, very useful Blades in question* Hmm, methinks I see the Caw as well... Maybe more than a hint. Neat addition with the splicer though.
Hmm, that's true.... Ah, but they still work for other people's creatures (well, the Cryptoplasm at least). I COULD use the Renegade still, for after I grab people's "artifacts", though it'd be a little bulky, honestly. Thanks, akyl.
Errr, I hate to be the one to say it, but Fresh Meat will not work with the Eldrazi spawn. They're tokens, so they do not go to the graveyard.
Hehehe, reminds me of my old lorescale deck, fun stuff. Considered Reliquary Tower just in case your Spellbooks decided not to show? Also, a fun addition is Soramaro, First to Dream and Rite of Flourishing. More land is always something you can use, and an additional card draw on top of the Overbeing and the Mines is nice.
Thank you for the comment, diabloswords. Yeah, I rather like all those cards, but there's a few issues to pick out of there. Plague Myr is a great little cards, but it's primarily a mana chicken. While I'm somewhat artifact-heavy, I don't think it constitutes adding a colorless mana producer while I can have a rezzer for Infect or another portable Proliferation machine. On to Inkmoth Nexus. I'd love to play Inkmoth Nexus in my deck, but I only own a single copy, and a singleton in here just wouldn't help out enough. On top of this, it's a damn expensive land right now. I think I'd prefer to wait until caw-blade has run its course and people are far more interested with Innistrad. Phyrexian Crusader I probably will add. Good mana cost, great ability, it's just his price that bothered me, at least at the shop near me.
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