Errr... Kind of, and kind of not. I see an issue with this as opposed to mine; while this probably holds up well overall (judging from the way it's built, I'd say so), it's very... Unfocused. The raison d'etre for my deck being built this way is to play off of Fateful Hour's synergies with the Morbid provided by others. I sacrifice a human to the Archdemon every turn, which beautifully activates the Priest, who I then use by working the Midnight Guards, who then untap automatically. Such beautiful synergy cannot simply be passed up, even if it is only an ideal game. Your version, while definitely playable and pretty widespread, just doesn't have that flavorful oomph for me. Regardless, I really do appreciate the comment Zak, and aside the deck list is pretty cool.
Thanks much, kiwi, glad you liked the description!
'Preciate it man, been a good while since I posted. I would sideboard the Daggers at most, because they lack one key element: First Strike. However, in more damage intensive situations, they'd be perfect to switch out. Increasing Devotion was definitely considered, but It's sooooo expensive. Harrowing Journey is in there for some card advantage, has a less oppressive casting cost, and also gives me that much-needed loss of life to trigger the oh-so-Fateful-Hour.
A possibility or two for snakes to win out: 1. Overwhelming force - easy to do, slow to build. You need mana in force, some form of ramp. After you get your ramp up, bring out the Orochi Hatchery. Trust me, it's mean. If you have Overwhelm or any other buff cards, the game will end pretty soon. 2. Card advantage - Snakes love card advantage, so pair them up with cards that also love card draw. Empyrial Plate; Inner Calm, Outer Strength; these are some ways to use card advantage to buff out a snake to put the beat on them. Extra card-draw works in this regard as well, via the simple Ponder, or even add in Ophidian, Infiltration Lens, or Keen Sense. 3. Guile - No, not the card. To apply, simply make use of blue's manipulative tendencies, i.e. Inflitrator's Magemark, Distortion Strike. Anything to sneak past their guard and smack 'em upside their head. Green is good at sneaking too, in the form of Canopy Cover. 4. Buff - Ties into Overwhelm to an extent. Use enchantments and lord creatures to beat the hell out of them with mutated snakes. Seshiro, the Anointed and his son do this well, or go the enchantment route and utilize Gaea's Anthem (green Glorious Anthem ftw!). Tie any of this in, and snakes become a force to be reckoned with.
I actually made a Rosheen EDH in reality about a week and a half ago. It's really wicked. Keep in mind, when you read her ability, it's ANY cost, not just the casting cost. Wort, the Raidmother is a very good addition to this, but it made me want to start bringing in more token-generators, so I went down the path of counter generation instead. Cards like Fungal Behemoth, Soul's Might, Strength of the Tajuru all became part of the deck quickly. In fact, this looks a good bit like mine, though it's still in progress. Consider Instill Energy, Vitalize, Quest for Renewal, Seeker of Skybreak. All of them are able to help you get the best out of Rosheen and company, for low prices. One game, I had Rosheen and the Seeker in play and my opponent had just brought out a massive dragon. After he rushed me with it (He had In the Web of War out), my turn came around and I had Unwilling Recruit and Fling in my hand. I removed the 3 counters from my Fungal Reaches, double-tapped Rosheen, and dealt a total of 29 damage in one turn. Trust me, you want untapping abilities.
I can see it now. *movie trailer music for a fantasy epic cues* A clear, sunlit day dawns upon a dew-dripping world. Peace reigns over all, and silence is master but for a moment. Shadows flit in front of the newborn sun, scarring the day's beauty with jagged black lines. One by one, shapes drop out of a sapphire sky, miniscule white blurs like hellbent clouds on kamikaze missions to assault the earth. The tranquility is interrupted by murderous hawks clutching serrated bone saws in their beaks, raking and tearing with deadly precision. Someone in the distance screams a bloodcurdling, "HEY! THIS HAS BEEN DONE BEFORE!!!", followed by, "HITCHCOCK WILL HAVE YER ARSE!". Then, from seemingly out of nowhere, a man in an azure hood steps into existence, and with a flick of the wrist, the screams are cut off by an almost inaudible "POOF!" of illogic. The days is won.
I dunno, Sek'kuar is pretty fun... In fact... *goes to his cards*
Hehehe, so here it is, eh? LOL on Norin! "I have a bad feeling about this." Hmmm, he seems like he should be white, to me, but eh. It's a pretty good way to make sure your commander doesn't die, but besides that.... I have a hard time figuring his role. Interesting Tim EDH concept though. This makes me consider making a mono-red EDH. I'm thinking Squee, Goblin Nabob...
I can definitely see a counter theme for a Vorosh EDH. I was considering making one, actually, since I have Kraj and Vorosh already. If you decide for the counter theme, Kraj almost seems like a given, though he's a bit colored-mana heavy. Grafting could help immensely, as well as Fungal Behemoth (XGG Suspend for 6+ love you long, long time). Shielding Plax is also a great card for Vorosh to get some protection, or its cousin, Canopy Cover (personally, I'm biased towards Plax because I loved Ravnica and I love card advantage).
LOL Blue, come to think of it, I've never seen (or commented) on an aggro deck from you. Might have something to do with the name... Nope, couldn't be. Buddy, you have a great deck going here. The only other suggestion I would make, and it would be at sideboard at least, is Spiritual Procession. 3 white for 3 tokens? Win. Oh, and one more: Spectral Rider. 2W for a 2/2 Intimidate (not to mention the ONLY white intimidator).
T 1.5 as in Legacy, right? It can be done, but will take a while doing some card-trolling. Y'know, Modern is also a good format to use something like this in. Lemme see what I can pull out of Legacy, though.
Hehehehe, glad you think so. Doubly so about the song for the title.
Hoard does help a good bit, true, but the issue is what to take out to put it in. Also, depends on the meta-game and late-game. My goal is to keep as many of my creatures away from the graveyard as possible, though hopefully I smashed in their basher's faces when they try to swing at me. Thank you much for the comment, toolah.
I would have suggested Moan of the Unhallowed, actually. Great little spell.
Er... Rack can't be used in Modern. Modern requires the use of new-format cards only (i.e. Mirrodin and up). Other than that, neat deck.
Glad you liked it. I happened to like the deck name, which first drew me in, then looked at the deck itself, which then continued to reel me in. I personally love the idea of hordes of zombies, and this is a good one. Just needs some tweaks, is all. As for the choices, I'm definitely going to go with the Ruinator getting the boot in this one. He's a great flying tank, no doubt, but what he does in three creatures can PROVIDE you with three creatures that all become 3/3s with the Reaper out. For massive hordes of rotting, putrescent corpses, Reaper definitely gets the win.
Yes, very much so. But I feel you've left out a very useful part of this equation: Runechanter's Pike. For blue counter/tempo, this thing makes perfect sense. Not to mention, on a Stalker.....
Ruinator kind of runs counterbalance to the Reapers. They kind of like to get in each other's way and ruin each other's plans, like two feuding mad scientists fighting over a design they both claimed to have made years ago. Reaper wants to use the corpses to create an army of undead servants, but Ruinator wants to use said bodies to construct a massive flying flesh golem to wreak havoc on the unknowing plebes. This forces the Reaper to look into other graveyard plots for his corpses, which can mean bad news if he doesn't know the nightwatchmen. All the while, the Grimoire sits there rereading its plan to itself, not realizing that by the time its wonderfully evil plan comes to fruition, two twits of a pair of scientists have gone and completely ruined its chances at world domination. Fed up, it collapses upon itself in disgust, going to another place in the Blind Eternities to cause trouble. In the far back of this story playing out, everyone seems to have forgotten the Cellar Door, having been bust open by an apologetic werewolf. If doors could express their thoughts, this one would be saying, "I really could have had a chance to ruin someone's day, if only I hadn't just become Ironfang's doggie door." Cellar Door really wants to play with this deck, and the entire horde agrees.
Er, unless they remade it and I don't realize it, Armadillo Cloak is Legacy. As for one-drops, I would suggest Llanowar Elves for some ramping or Gladecover Scout for a great little hexproof coverage.
E-X-P-E-N-S-I-V-E. I think that a new car might sometimes cost less than this.
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