no its not are u kidding its a inf infi turn 4 switch the 4 trow for 4 devoted druid (u can also u druid for excel) ur an idiot if u think that take out the elder and syphon life for 4 right of consuption plz commetn on my decks
u need to have a 60 card deck with multiples or u will never get any cad u want out why do all ur decks have 1million cards and no multiples? plz comment on my decks
u may want to take out red check out my merfolk for ideas plz comment on my decks
i would take out cloak, twincast, guiltfeeder think about sanity grinding 2
i like it but u could add 4 sigil tracer and 4 mothdust changeling and 3 ink dissolver so u can have los of mill and double ur glimpse with sigil u may want to add more land plz comment on my decks
looks fun to play plz comment on my decks
more vanquishers and collosus and add imperious perfect take out overbieng the liege and regal force plz comment on my decks
add wolf skull shaman since u have some elves in there plz comment on my decks
add 4 devoted druid for the quilspike combo plz comment on my decks
u need multiples of more of the cards plz comment on my decks
i like the rathi trapper adition i dont like the pie sneak u should take him out for slaughter pact / terror or soul reap plz commenton my decks
wat is a good budget card to replace lord of atlantis it is not i dont want to spend the money it is just that it is going to rotate soon so i dont want to buy it and the next month it rotates out plz comment on my other deck 2 i am playin INKFATHOM INFILTRATOR OVER HIM NOW
wat u need is some cards that says whenever a creature comes into play u may add a mana to ur pool or something like it and then have a guy like manaforge cinder which changes one color to another plz comment on my decks
i think ti is good i have a lot of cards that are raress for ideas but i dont want to say em so u dont get mad lol u have a lot of decks no wonder u have run out of ideas which decks do u actually have or have built? plz comment on my decks
i like the rootwater zur combo look at my list fro some enchantment ideas a goood ones is edge od divinty plz commetnt on my decks
u need at least 22 land on this deck pz comment on my decks
those r for the sac so i can sac em and get a biggy with death render
i dont understand the deck can u explain the combos
that guy was a idiot to play remove souls over pestermite and infitraitors over scion i like tthe my twisted version check out my list for a net deck fae list with oona queen lol
i was thinking grand prix then sry
161-180 of 621 items