u need the crucible and u need more creatures plz comment on my decks
u only have 12 elves make it land destroy or elves not both it wont work plZ comment on my decks
royal assasn is type 2 hes is in 10 edition plz comment on my decks
u could put in 4 toughtsieze profane commands and so on plz comment on my decks
make it 60 hards with multiples to have a cossinstent list u like to play plz comment on my decks
u could play 4 hunting triad switch elvish warrior with wrens run vanquisher plz comment onm my decks
switch prowess with bitterblossom plz comment on my decks
u need sanity gringing plz comment on my decks
i try to get shroud out for my first enchantment or protection
looks cool look at my list for ideas u may want to invest in 3 chameleon collosus, 3talaras batalion and 3 mutavaults and 3 bitterblossom u could take out wolf skull shaman, pack master, heritage druide and overrun for garruk, eyeblights for soul reap/ terror, elvish prominade for profane and so on plz comment on my decks
sounds intersting but good u dont need frost marsh have 4 tears and 4 river and 4 secluded glan and 4 ruins with how ever many more basic lands u want plz comment on my decks
u should play 4 mutavault for lands plz comment on my decks
looks cool i would love to see this deck play plz comment on my decks
i wuld add 4 sculpting steel to have a bunch of scepters out at a times and i like ur mana base plz ocmment on my decks
look at my kithkin deck for ideas plz comment on my decks
how about seething songs and holy days plz ocmment on my decks
switch out ajani fro garruk look at my list fro better elves elves r usually better with black plz comment on my decks
looks different u looks half mill and half aggro choose 1 look at mineif u want a aggro list plz comment on my decks
looks good look at mine for ideas plzcomment on my decks
look at my kithkin deck for some idea of the better kithkin plz comment on my deck
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