u need 4 essence warden and 4 rites of the flourishind and some more mana excel like 4 birds and 4 llanowar elves so u cna combo earlier and get flourishing out plz comment on my decks
u need some low mana creatures like mistbind clique and spelstuuter sprite and some more counter spells to be able to go late game the then play ur bigg guys late game u could take a faerie base but thats expensive plz commemnt on my decks
for cumaltive upkeep u could play paradoce haze plz comment on my decks
u need a way to be alive until turn 5 this looks like it will never do anything plz comment on my decks
looks okay change it to more of elves then gb and u need another collosus replace specter with goyfs and play terror and soul reap plz ocmment on my decks
looks different look at my elfs fro a elfs list not mumbo jumbo plz comment on my decks
u shoukld have 4 mistbind clidue and 4 vendlion clique and 4 sower ffor wwta ever else inst in there except for scion u need 4 bitterbloosom check out my fae for ideas plz commment on my decks
ink dissolver is mill broken is for a cheap counter spell and cancel isnt that good i would rather play 2 more cryptic command
u need more collosus and some more of the basic rock then just a bunch of removal check out my elve rock list fro a creature base and then add alll the removal u want i like the list tho plz comment on my decks
looks good but u dont need wrath but u do need some removla like unmake oring crib swap u could take out the bad kithkin like brigid, rabble check out my kithkin for ideas plz commemtn on my decks
have 4 banneret and no changeling and add 1 brian for the 1 xtra card add more removla for favor of the mighty, feudkillers and crush underfoot i would add 1 more orin and crib swap, loose fuedkillers for flame javelins/another burn and crush underfoot fro lash outs plz comment on my decks
u are going to need way more dual lands to be able to play dues and heldozer plz comment on my decks
looks cool take out perogotives and crucible for some removal i like the idea of blind spot giant u should splash white u deck isnt bad fro a noobie lol i like u should also drop crusher for something since almost all ur stuff is over u mana plz comment on my decks
u need multiples and to lower it to 60 cards plz comment on my decks
switch puncture bolt with puncture blast and u need 4 smoke briader and this is definetly bnot a proper wither deck it is very close and goood but u r over playing the bid ceatures an need some of the better spells plz comment on my decks
why do u have white in there make it mono black and look at some of the rogue decks on here plz commment on my decks
take out 2 grim poppet for 2 reaper king and make it GU and plat prismatic omen birde and some other excel with card draw plz commment on my decks
make it standard kithkin is a great standard dck plz commment on my decks
have 2 dominus and 2 liege also u could take out 4 memory sluice for 4 ponder and a few loxodon warhammer plz comment on my decks
why only 12 rares if u want a very good list u cna look at my merfolk control plz comment on my decks
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