u need 4 arcbound ravager plz comment on my decks
looks solid but u need removal l;ike 4 oring 4 crib swap and 4 unmake plz comment on my decks
looks at my elves for some ideas of better elves plz comment on my decks
are u tryin to make it standard? plz comment on my decks
play 3 garruk or overrun plz commtn on my deecks
have 22 land with 1 corupt and take out all 4 diabolic tutors for 2 bessech and the land and crud take out staff of domination and infernal tutor plz commetn on my decks
play doubleing season, glider bairn plz commetn on my decks
go to 2 intimidator taeke out all creatures that arent giants (including changelings, have 2-3 of every giant over 5 mana it depend 2or3 on how much u want they in play that turn plz comment on my decks
lol plz ocmment on my decks
u need more multiples lol plz comment on my decks
looks cool plz comment on m ydecks
loks like rock but put redcap in board and have 4 birds over them lol plz commetn on my decks
looks ok but not good enough to fin every game it gets trampled by elves and fae u prob do realy well against kithkin u need some power house of a creature u got a good amount of removal tho and solid creatures. u should a 3 archon of justic it is included in patrick chapins QnT variant and it rocks lol or Oona Quee of the Fae Plz comment on my decks
u couyld play 4 linesa from future sight plz comment on my decks
u need 4 sanity grinding and 4 cryptic command for cancel and damoen thought plz comment on my decks
lol this is hilarious plz comment on my decks
it is standard so no intruder alarm lol plz comment on my decks
are u goin for mill or aggro choose one and expand on it not half of both plz ocmment on my decks
u need 4 curse of chains plz comment on my decks
looks cool isnt there a different infinite mana combo from kamigawa plz commetn on my decks
21-40 of 621 items