u dont need the mirror enity look at my elf list fro ideas i like black over white plz commmetn on my decks
have multiples plz commment on my decks
the new red white planswalker in shards is a new ajani i would take out the old one he is terrible the new ajani which is the RW plainswalker for shards is also the prerealese card plz commetn on my decks
look at my elf dekc for ideas plz comment on my decks
u need fodder launch plz comment on my decks
thtas why i said for board lol
loik at my list for the list plz comment on my decks
u could add 4 thoughtsieze and the asasin from morningtide plz comment on my decks
u should addd some terror or nameless inversion and think about droping the extra turn twist to a discard twist instead which would be very cool plz comment on my decks
looks cool but add more removal and look at my list for some better treefolk or ilovegoblins list plz comment on my decks
but i do like the deck
remove it the only way is by bounce or counter but if u drop it turn 3 and they cant use cryptic they may just forfiet because they bounce it and then u play it again i like canopy turn 3 over doran since u r not pklayin birds for turn 2 doran u may want to have a game like this against fae turn 1 murming bosk reval doran and play brids. turn 2 drop a land and play doran. turn 3 drop a land and play raking canopy. turn 4 drop collosus or drop canopy again if they bounced and win turn 5
o if u think that way i just am a big fan of collosus thats y lol i think u should find a way to main deck him. he is so good u could loose 1 bitterblosson, 1 cavalier/profane and 1 finks for 3 collosus and with 3 of each card u will still get 1 a game. i actually like bitterblossom against fae u could could add soul reaps to sideboard switch out with shriek maws againstany deck thats has black besides elves oviously. if u have a prob with fae add raking canopy they have almost no way to..
switch the liege with collosus
looks cool i like how u put the list but heres how it should be take out walker of the grove and cream of the crop add 4 elemental bladewhirl and another doomgape 1 harbinger for anything misssing 2 smoke braider 3 soulstoke 4 any biggy in hand from either soulstoke or hardcast 5 soulstoke and attack for win plz comment on my decks
sounds fun but u could play krackens thumb and fiery gambit plz comment on my decks
take out serineb sorcerer the weavers to check out my merfolk deck for ideas plz commment on my decks
u need more land plz comment on my decks
looks at my d storm for ideas plz comment on my decks
make it standard an have more burn plz comment on my decks
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