Post for speed improvements like usual haha
This deck looks scary haha. If it wasn't standard I'd suggest Rafiq of the many. If you still like exalted look up the original exalted with Shards of Alara and Bant.
I love you in a totally straight way. Thank you. That will help so much.
Thanks for the Mikokoro idea! And Im keeping repulse to return something to their hand for a later cancel and to draw a card. Distant Memories will either get me the card I WANT or let me draw three cards. Win/win in my book.
Only works on one creature type
It's aight. Thanks for suggesting haha
NOOOOOOOO NOT Ob-Nixilis!!!! He basically has Annihilator 1!!
Hmmm. I'll try running that and see how it works out. Thanks for the idea.
ITs a pretty awesome deck. i didn't make it to win but it has surprisingly won quite a bit. And fog elemental is cool but not an illusion and I only get one use of it haha.
It's just for fun so go ahead and suggest whatever you want haha. And the Levitation Enchantment mixed with Favorable Winds is a good Idea... But I don't like relying on combos unless it is legacy.
I was looking and was almost angry!! But then I calmed down when I saw TORMENTED SOUL!!! The best card to put in and Exalted deck haha. No Aven Squire or Ob-Nixilis is my only Confusion... And you SO need more Cathedral of Wars if you can haha.
This deck seems legit, try adding a Kilnmouth Fiend and maybe Assault Strobe just to be annoying!!
Dude... Obliterator to keep their lands down while I kill their creatures?? Nice Idea!! And I'll check it out for sure... If you check out my Illusion deck as well haha.
Haha it's fine, i didn't even read who posted it. I just got upset that Someone was trashing my deck for a reason that I had already addressed.
Hehem. Sorry. Just annoying that you would comment before looking at the deck.
.... Did you NOT look at all of the cards or something. One card. Mutilate. Two cards. Death wave (they sacrifice so indestructible doesn't matter). Three cards infest. And a fourth enchantment, Night of Souls' Betrayal. Black Sun's Zenith IS a good card but this deck cant take of indestructible creatures like they are a joke.
Comment if you know a way to increase the pain!
Post if you know any good lands that would let me draw more.
Most people are but this deck is indiscriminate. It dies against other burn decks, but other then that I have won consistently against almost all other types of decks.
Haha ok? I'll check it out
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