I like pointing out the filthy lol. If you look at my Niv-Mizzet deck, I need Curiosity in there for an insta win. Whenever he deals damage to a player draw a card, whenever I draw a card deal 1 damage to target creature or player. GG sir. GG.
Then he is a need!!
If you can afford it try not using a mill for a while to lull them into a sense of security before bringing it out!
Since one damage is dealt to the doll, you also take one damage. However pariah makes that damage happen to the doll instead, which makes you take another which makes it take another, etc. With the dolls ability... The opponent loses.
Touche, but there is a madness card that can be cast for a 0 cost that returns a creature from your grave to hand... I forget the name. Plus, if you are going to put stuff in the grave might as well use it haha
Reanimate? Exhume? Twilight's Call? And apparently no madness cards?
Agreed, another thing to add then is spiteful shadows, if you have it and pariah on the field (both on stuffy doll), just tap stuffy doll to deal infinite damage.
Two angels swinging with him... No exalted :/... But thanks for bringing it up!
Smart advice. Really smart Advice.
Add Angel's Grace. Take out Obliterator. Also add stuff like Kiteshield to give them the ability to block more than one? There is one card... Idk the name, but as long as you control a creature your life can't go below one. Silence is also a great spell to stop them from doing anything. (Angel's Grace is a 1cmc white: You can't lose this turn instant with split second/Silence is 1cmc white: Your opponent cant cast spells this turn instant)
Lol... Walls can be scary. I know.
Berserk and Chameleon Colossus are awesome, as is Yew Spirit but... I just use Invisible Stalker and I'm fine lol. I'll prob add Berserk. Thanks for posting!
I proposed but for some reason she won't respond... Shocked or afraid.. hmmm
Lol... if this was meant to be competitive there wouldn't be a phyrexian arena haha. Nice build! Look into burial cards to pump with scavenge faster... And no corpsejack menace?
Huh. Touche. Thanks for the advice haha
... Dude. That helps haha. Alot lol. Thanks bro
Same problem with Colossus as there is with Emrakul... doesn't enter the grave... :/
What is this bfm?
That's awesome man!! I wasnt trying to discourage you earlier, but what I was trying to say is that it wont win first place :/
He can't enter the grave :/... Else wise fer sure. Do you know any op monsters that CAN enter the grave tho? And btw I cant wait for M14!! There's a new card that will help demons SOOO much.
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