Thanks for the ideas, If I ever make a real Eldrazi deck I'll make it more like that.
Thanks man, I was wondering if I would destroy my own mana by using All is Dust
I wasn't trying to insult anyone in naming this deck the "right" way for an eldrazi deck. I'm for sure not saying this is THE BEST eldrazi deck possible. What I AM saying is that I'm mixing eldrazi's with eldrazi drones... Which wouldn't have been created if not to be used with eldrazi. See what I mean?
If you could get your friend to post his deck, could you send me a link?
Thanks. I'll fix that.
Thanks guys. I think you are right about changing this to a mono green deck but ill try to make it as colorless as possible so that I can use All is Dust. Does anyone know if lands count as colored permanents?
I see what you are trying to do but as NicolBloasTM said, this isn't really a control deck. If you wanted a combo deck try using the rest of the Eldrazi because they actually work well together. Especially if you use the spells made FOR them. All the Mox artifacts you have are pretty useless too. There are easier ways to mana ramp such as boundless realms. I advise you try to do that.
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