
190 Decks, 722 Comments, 138 Reputation

This is an astounding deck. Just love it's control aspect while continuing to aggravate. Maybe remove a scion of oona and put another splinter twin in?

Posted 03 December 2012 at 19:22 as a comment on Faerie Chemistrickery


Doesn't Cyclonic rift just return your opponents monsters to hand?

Posted 03 December 2012 at 19:20 in reply to #307439 on Faerie Chemistrickery


Haha definitely agree with adding cyclonic rift, thanks for pointing it out!!

Posted 03 December 2012 at 19:15 in reply to #307689 on The correct way to Infect. Venser style


Hmmm. Good point on the higher cmc cards, I'll put in more cards that control and disrupt what they are doing

Posted 03 December 2012 at 19:12 in reply to #307708 on The correct way to Infect. Venser style


Darn, forgot that was in there. Thanks for pointing it out.

Posted 03 December 2012 at 05:00 in reply to #307580 on Eldrazi. The right way


Haha thought that you already had 4 of them :P

Posted 03 December 2012 at 00:19 in reply to #307409 on Arcbound Infectis v2


If anyone has any suggestions as to increasing the amount of mana I can play in a turn, please post!

Posted 03 December 2012 at 00:16 as a comment on Eldrazi. The right way


Kill spells are pretty good and all but cards that make your opponent tribute their monsters gets around hexproof and shroud... AND indestructible.

Posted 03 December 2012 at 00:04 as a comment on Death To My Enemies


Actually, desecration demon lets them choose to sacrifice before attackers are declared. So you can totally bluff that your gonna attack and then dont. That's why he is so opd...

Posted 03 December 2012 at 00:01 in reply to #297754 on Death To My Enemies


It is kinda weird that this deck is being running with a 54 card deck? But you can fix that :) cool concept but like trollking said, not really a uber strong deck. Still pretty awesome though. It would win quite a few modern if it had 60 (no offense trollking, just disagreeing) so good luck.

Posted 02 December 2012 at 12:41 as a comment on White Samurai


Interesting. No offense. But I think mine is better, check it out :/


Posted 02 December 2012 at 11:36 as a comment on Blue Green Defender Mill Standard


Do it!. It's pretty amazing, plus you can combo it if you need to kill one of your creatures.

Posted 02 December 2012 at 11:02 in reply to #307382 on Arcbound Infectis v2


That's just... just... disgusting. I hate vampires so much. Just. blergh whyyyyy????
Add these btw:
-Bloodline Keeper
-Captivating Vampire
-Olivia Voldaren
-Sorin Markov: a planeswalker and YES A VAMPIRE :(((

Posted 02 December 2012 at 10:56 as a comment on Walpurgis Nacht


Haha ya. No problem man. Caress of phyrexia is a hard one to find. I only found it cuz i looked up poison counters in the description haha.

Posted 02 December 2012 at 10:51 in reply to #307369 on Arcbound Infectis v2


Lol. SOOOOO true but seriously... friggin endless is scary

Posted 02 December 2012 at 10:49 in reply to #307375 on Damnation's March


Haha wow. This is an awesome zombie deck!! Maybe add more Rooftop Storms and then a bunch of return target creature to hand. Then mix in more than a few deck out cards (and target yourself I recommend Skaabs since they're zombie) then you can just pull out zombies like not other. Endless ranks of the undead. NEEDED for this deck

Posted 02 December 2012 at 10:32 as a comment on Damnation's March


Couldn't agree more about adding more steel overseers!! They are AMAZING. If you want to focus on artifacts and proliferating, you might consider a few myrs. I know you have some, but there is a myr combo that can lead to infinite mana haha. A card you might consider is Grim Affliction and Carress of Phyrexia. Grim Affliction more because it is a three cost black that allows you to weaken a monster, make ALL your monsters stronger, AND put another poison counter on your opponent if you play it later :D. If this had green mana in it I'd suggest another card that give all your creatures +2/+2 and trample and infect until the end of the turn for a four cost green I think. But this is an amazing deck that is very versatile. Ummm... In the old ravnica the blue/green guild (Simic) had graft. A useful ability in a proliferate deck. Check it out. Could I get some help with my dragon deck if you know em? Here's the Link.


Posted 02 December 2012 at 10:28 as a comment on Arcbound Infectis v2


... This is a blue deck... Not a green/white... Just thought I'd point that out... Also you might want to add in Merfolk Mesmerist and Traumatize.

Posted 02 December 2012 at 10:19 as a comment on merfolk


Hmmm. Only thing that I can think of that could help this deck rape people even harder would be to add Elspeth Tirel, the Knight-Errant to the deck so your creatures become indestructible. Then you can use your field wiping spells to open up the enemy completely.

Posted 02 December 2012 at 10:11 as a comment on CAW-BLADE


I run an ally deck too and this is pretty awesome but your missing one of the most powerful :(. The minotaur haha. He gives +1/+1 counters to ALL your allies whenever he (or another ally) enters your side. Maybe change this to a red/black/green? then you can put him in, focus your deck a bit more, and add a few cards that give all creatures you control haste :))

On a side note, a great deck concept that you might like is a deck where your turn doesn't end, until you win. It's my infinite turns deck haha. Here's a rough draft of the idea.


Posted 02 December 2012 at 10:07 as a comment on Best Ally Deck


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