
190 Decks, 722 Comments, 138 Reputation

Good point haha

Posted 02 December 2012 at 09:54 in reply to #307337 on Infectious army


This is really an amazing deck but it relies on a WAYYY high cost mana creature and clone shell. Oh. Add Eldrazi into your side deck btw just to use Spawnsire's effect haha. And try to find other things such as ranger's path or Wayfarer's Bauble to replace the Mox artifacts and you would cut the price of this deck by 5000 easy. Other than that awesome.

Posted 02 December 2012 at 09:43 as a comment on Elderazi madness


Hmmm... I would take out one your Skithiryx just because he is a legendary and then add something like Spinebiter (he puts 3 poison counters on the opponent regardless of who blocks him) but other than that a great deck. Might want to look at this and see if you can mix this decks multiple turn ideas with any other decks you make (and yes, I have one in a single turn with this deck where I took almost 40 turns in a row).


Posted 02 December 2012 at 08:02 as a comment on Infectious army


WOW. AlleywayJack. Dude. Calm down... This is just a concept... Not a tournament. Its and awesome deck. Yes, it isn't unbeatable. But then, nothing is. So just take a breath... Seriously. On the other hand, Gregorion, I think you should check this deck out haha. It would be fun to go against your deck since it is so fast and this deck takes four to five turns for every single one of your turns :P


Posted 02 December 2012 at 07:58 in reply to #302541 on Turn 2-4 Blue deck i call it RAGE!!!!



That deck there is great at ramping mana pretty early as well as allowing you to mill the opponent just as quickly if you wanted to do that and then hold on to the discard cards so that they can do almost nothing. (this deck had 56 mana by turn 5 and had sent the top 74 cards of my opponents deck... I won the next turn)

Posted 02 December 2012 at 07:49 in reply to #307324 on Modern Teachings


A sphinx wold help a lot in this deck but it looks like a good concept. Maybe add more esper cards so that it can work smoother. Also, add something that will let you get mana that way you can do the Sun's Zenith cards a lot easier.

Posted 02 December 2012 at 07:47 as a comment on Modern Teachings


Great deck!, MonoHorror!! only adjustment I could think of making is taking out one or two Stromkrik Nobles and adding in Captivating Vampire so you can control the game a bit more.

Posted 02 December 2012 at 07:08 as a comment on Night of the Vampire (Standard)


Hmmm. A great combo that you can run into this deck (since you run tokens so much) would be to put in Avacyn, Elspeth Tirel (either one would be amazing), and maybe World Destroyer.

Posted 02 December 2012 at 07:02 as a comment on Selesnya Overun


I don't think that this is necessarily the top deck but it is definitely a scary one. The one problem that glares at me is that this deck doesn't get rid of the opponent's cards quick enough and protect itself at the same time. Add a card named traumatize to utterly destroy half the opponents deck for only a 5 cost blue. A deck that gets rid of the opponents faster than any I've ever seen would be this one

Posted 02 December 2012 at 06:56 in reply to #306674 on Megrim Dreams


Here's another elf deck that is pretty darn scary if you wanted to look at it and to get ideas as to what to add to your deck.

Posted 02 December 2012 at 06:30 as a comment on Elves


There are these two AMAZING elf cards you could replace Regrowth with: Joraga Treespeaker (to spam mana) and Joraga Warcaller (I think [also meant to amplify your elves by ridiculous amounts])

Posted 02 December 2012 at 06:28 in reply to #288075 on Elves


That's my elf deck haha. Hope it matches up.

Posted 02 December 2012 at 06:24 as a comment on Eldrazi. The right way


Hmmm. I see what you mean but, again, not trying to make a god deck. Just trying to use the spawns with the Eldrazi so that people could see what it looks like. Thanks for the suggestion though!! Sounds like a great idea. I especially like the deck you made. Seriously creepy.

Posted 02 December 2012 at 06:23 in reply to #307212 on Eldrazi. The right way


Haha I totally agree about Elves man. They're pretty scary at both man ramping and creature ramping. But I made a deck for randomness that had 56 mana by turn 5. I'll post the link in a sec but I gotta look it up. Nice deck btw haha.

Posted 02 December 2012 at 06:21 in reply to #307207 on Eldrazi. The right way


This is a pretty good concept for a deck but it is missing A LOT of really good soldier cards.

Posted 01 December 2012 at 22:02 as a comment on Soldier Weenie


Ummm. This looks pretty amazing. That's all I need to say. if you weren't gonna just make your friends deck online I'd say add more elvish piper's to the deck but since you are it doesn't matter.

Posted 01 December 2012 at 08:44 in reply to #306972 on Eaters of Exsistence


This deck looks like a pretty good elf deck but its missing a few elf cards that could make it ramp like crazy. HEre's a link to my deck so you can see a few that would work really well. Such as Joraga Treespeaker :P

Posted 01 December 2012 at 08:42 as a comment on Elven Genesis


Thanks for the reference, man. Looks pretty scary haha

Posted 01 December 2012 at 07:46 in reply to #306960 on Eldrazi. The right way


Lol, Nvm. Just realized that you already had Hellkite Charger. Sorry for the misunderstanding :P

Posted 30 November 2012 at 06:40 in reply to #306958 on Dragon Mastery


This deck looks pretty great but you are missing some pretty awesome dragon cards that could make this deck over powered. There is one dragon where you pay seven or so mana and you can attack twice in one turn, (untapping all the creatures that attacked the first time of course) and if you add in some things that give your cratures haste (like Tyrant of Jund) you can quadruple your dragons in a turn and just destroy your enemies. Of course, you might need to consider adding a few black mana just so you can get some other dragons such as Dragon Overlord, as he is a 8/8 flying trample and is pretty awesome. Just a few suggestions. Ill reply to this to give you the double-combat dragon :). Good deck, bro.

Posted 30 November 2012 at 06:38 as a comment on Dragon Mastery


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