Thanks. And ya sure, anytime
Oh. Switch out two of your Doomblades with two Victim of the Nights
Haha this looks like yet ANOTHER great deck youve made, Gregorion. Can you check out this new style of deck? My friend and I made it in our free time :P
Two cards. They will change the deck for the better. Thrumming Stone and Relentless Rats. Then add Marrow-Gnawer. gg lol
Haha this looks pretty great. Could you check out my defender deck?
One of em is Sanguine Bond and the other is... Exquisite Blood :P
And just wondering, but since I dont really pay much attention to the stories behind the cards, could you say what exactly is the background of Sorin Makarov?
Hmmm. I thought that Sorin would be used more like a life drain deck... XD. Maybe add two cards. Idk what they are but I'll look em up. One is that whenever your opponent loses life you gain that much life and the other is whenever you gain life your opponent loses that much... both of them on the field and gg haha
Exactly haha :) see what I mean?
Ya, I know what you mean, all that I am going to do is put the enchantment where I populate at the beginning of my upkeep. No further changes,
Or maybe it's hunger of the howlpack... lol. Idk. One or the other
O god... I understand this completely haha. Just bring them chocolate ice cream and strawberries and wait for it to pass over. But this deck needs spam cards like Hunger of the Wolfpack and awakening zone and sturf lol.
Hmmm... Definitely true. Good point
Saw that after I looked through it on a more careful examination haha. Trippy. :P maybe add a card that will ensure you have that gemhide sliver in your hand?
This looks pretty great but mabe drop the colors down to just one so that it can flow easier and you dont have to worry about not getting a certain land type. Please check out this deck!!
Lol. Yup. I'll check that out. Thanks for posting
Glimpse of the unthinkable! That's the name. Oh and maybe add increasing confusion
Hmmm. Not exactly a new way to mill people (Old Dimir concept this sorta looks like :P) but overall a pretty great deck. Add a traumatize? Oh, and definitely need a card... ugh. Forget the name. Ill post in a sec. Can you check out this mill deck?
Definitely needs a traumatize or two haha. Other than that looks pretty great, oh, maybe add cyclonic rift? IT's a high cost but the ability to return all your opponent's monsters to hand makes it work it. Can you check out my defender/mill deck sometime? It might give you a few ideas.
Could add bonfire of the damned to this deck since there isn't any real draw cards and it's miracle cost would let you do the same as earthquake, plus if they have flying it hits them too. Can you check out my latest and leave a comment? Thanks
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