This looks like it would be a great troll deck, not the strongest but still a pretty great. Only question... Why no Forest? You've already gone to 4 colors. Might as well go to 5 haha
No problem man, this is a great concept though. Add more elves to make it run better and add only the heavy hitters for the Eldrazi. Definitely need a spawnsire of ulamog. Then you put all eldrazi's in the sideboard and bam. As soon as you get him its game. Becuz of his 20 colorless ability where he pulls any number of Eldrazi cards you have outside of game in to the game :D
Lol, Sliver's are the most op monster's that have come out... They just take time to build and can be really annoying to get out. Flanking is the worst part though :/. Uhh.... One question though. Why is the only Islands and Forests?
Hey, could you check out my latest infect deck? IT's a completely outside concept but it works incredibly well. Thanks!!
Haha for sure man. That's a great idea!! Thanks
Uhh... Don't mean to sound like a jackass here but isn't it obvious that He can't be a leader for EDH? Only legendary creatures can and he sorta isn't one....
Decimator Web. Can't really go wrong with it. Then Keep one Contagion engine and you can hit the opponent with three poison counters in one turn. And that's without attacking with your unblockable infects
I tend to disagree about the Swarmlord. But 4 is too many. Maybe cut it down to 2 and replace it with another infect creature.
Plus it can help to proliferate the poison counters on the opponent... Smart choice to put it in there.
Definitely needs a decimator web haha. Other than that this looks great. Thnx for commenting on my other stuff btw, Gregorion.
Haha I know, I saw Venser and thought to myself, "What if there was an unblockable infect deck?" And so this was made :P. I like the Elspeth idea but it would be hard to remove any card I have in there. Do you have a suggestion as to which one to remove?
Seems like a great idea for an eldrazi deck, here's another if you are interested.
Sure thing. Weird haha
Anyone who wants to check out my latest idea, look at this deck. It's an infect deck but it only uses blue and white, making it... interesting. Post your ideas!! Thanks
Thanks for the compliment. i'll check yours out and leave any suggestions I can think of
Looks like a pretty good Dimir mill deck, maybe add inexorable tides (for szadek) or psychic spiral? Another good one is named dimir doppleganger (I think that is the name, not rly sure). OR Dimir infiltrator. Good deck
Sure dude. Gimme a sec as I edit then I'll head on over and leave any suggestions that come to mind.
I'll look up quicksilver amulet, thanks for the suggestion.
Thanks for the congrats. And the populate sounds amazing, I'll splash it in. Thanks man
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