Rhys the Redeemed if you aren't going for a standard outlook. Parallel lives to increase the token spam and doubling season as well.
Replace Merfolk of the depths with something else. It is basicall useless right now. maybe grave betrayal or something like that.
lol aight. Will do And duh. Forgot Illusionist's bracer's
By the time I draw out my deck, the opponent is dead. I also don't like a large hand, I usually use it as fast as possible.
Meh. I don't need an infinite hand. Just drawing the cards is enough. In fact, putting them in the grave works even better lol.
I know right??? One turn win!!
Hmmm. I know it but I dont own it... :P
Coulda sworn... And hypersonic is cool but this deck is making my turn as long as possible not flashing the opponents. Good card though :P Enter the infinite is going in this deck. With my leader out that should be around 70 to 80 damage dealt to them in an instant
Lol I have all of them in there but hypersonic. This deck actually destroys other EDH decks. Bit slow to start but once it does nigh on the unstoppable!!
Ok. I run a grave, so put wreath of geists in and pump splinterfright. Add one or two mirror-mad phantasms, take out ghoultree (yes its awesome but not really), and try one or two labratory maniacs
DERAGOOOO long time no talK!! just wanteed to get that off my chest :P
Nah. 11k? Psht thats like a week's allowance.... I WISH!! Lol. I probably make that in 4 months haha. Not gonna throw it away :P have to have an apartment!!
Too high of a cost. Otherwise sure lol. Idk why but I really hate him. And dude fer sure. Hows it been?
Any suggestions would be great!
Painter's Servant. Choose black. Then Teysa's ability becomes a loop and your opponent has no creatures :P
Dude. This is a legit deck and uses Fable excessively :P love it!!
I am so confused haha. I don't know many red reanimates but mabe Reforge the soul to discard your hand and draw 7 cards?
I have no life lol. Of course I have time.
Look up a card named Angel's Grace XD. The ultimate troll for a 1 cmc.
I'd keep fling. Most of your creatures get sacked during the endphase anyway. Let them attack then during the second mainphase fling them for double damage!
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