Sigh... Totally forgot about that card...... Stupid Serra series. Love it though haha
Invisible Stalker if you just want to scare people with a hexproof unblockable 2cmc. Just saying.
Haha it really does have a weenie feel but is meant to pull out scary monsters by the end. Might be quick but late game it is indeed a monster. Midgame its more like.. eh. And what do you mean by worship?
Meh. They might be quick but they don't draw enough ya know? Plus no white mana for oculus.
I have to agree with that haha
Gimme feedback!
I'll keep it in the sideboard for jokes haha
IT's a shame about grafting... But why not add something like levitation and bower's passage? Levitation gives all your creatures flying and then your opponent can't block unless they have reach because of Bower Passage :P
Yup lol. Just commented on YOUR time deck.
This deck looks awesome haha!! So much fun just to troll people. And don't try to understand Unhinged or Unglued.... They are literal jokes. A 1 million cost artifact came out in them :P
And yes, panoptic mirror with time warp is truly one of the most notorious combos I know. Why it is legal is up to anyone. I have no idea haha
It isn't standard right? Then I can help. I've been pursuing the ultimate time control deck and have ended up making several just to see the difference. One is more of a draw but the other is right down the time alley.Here is the Time Control my draw deck that really isn't fair. The draw will help you speed up the deck incredibly. now I see you already commented on my Time Control deck haha. Try adding Dream Halls if you can. It might look crappy but mix that with Omniscience and you can basically pull out Omniscience for a 5 cost. Pretty awesome.
Nice!!! Milling will work someday!
Cut down on the mana, add a land called Cabal Coffers for massive mana ramp and then you have an awesome deck. Deserves the +1 like already :P
Also replace Boneyard Wurm with Shriekgeist so you put more in the grave. Plus... How is this Golgari?
Too high of a consistency cost. If I had extra mana often i would use it but this deck uses all of its mana every turn.
Any ideas of what to replace it with?
And take out....?
I forgot about battle hymn, thanks! And stromkirk noble is good but too weak for the kind of speed I need. A 1/1 would die to my enchantments and plenty of people pull out something turn 1
Im surprised that I made another Standard haha.
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