I like it but I have enough mana ramps haha.
I like. But what should I drop out?
Post for better creatures/mana ramps etc.
Great Idea!! He would spam and make them Powerful. Add four of him and maybe wild pair. :O deadly. Check out my mono green and my extort/exalt I just posted if ya can.
Meh. Make it Gruul since he wants it Gruul. Add reforge the soul and maybe Winds of Change.
Uhhh. Suggesting Wild pair and Elderscale Wurm.
Jund was the real start of devour in my opinion. I would agree with that haha. maybe some Anti blue stuff would help reduce that chance. Adding boil? A 4cmc red destroy all islands. And definitely needs more spams...
Post for suggestions please!!
Its fine. i forgive you. Just.... dont assume. And any suggestions for this guy?
Im not like that. I like it when people actually share their ideas because it makes me realize something I might have missed. And I'm not saying Im a magic genius.. Just a wizard :P
Oh and add more spam such as Krenko. You seem to have a lot more devour creatures then the creature building.
I wasn't. I was telling him what suggestions to add. This deck does have flaws yes but I don't know one that doesnt. And read my original post in a sarcastic way... Make sense?
Thank you Benny. That was my intention before someone came along and ruined the fun.
PS Hannides: Look into skyshroud claim. Puts two forests untapped onto the battlefield.
Oho? An asshole already? Usually takes at least a week for one to show up. Let me talk.1) I wan't judging.2) I was suggesting two separate but amazing cards that would fit this deck in an oblique manner.3) Don't presume you know me.4) If you want to insult me at least show that you know more about magic by suggesting better or different cards.5) In conclusion, fuck off.
No parallel lives or doubling season? For shame
what should I take out?
Totally forgot that card. Not telling him but I am putting it up.
Yup.... So I mixed it around a bit more :P does affinity stack?
He uses it butttt. I don't wanna be cheap as shit and add an infect that keeps getting stronger :/
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