What about the two enchantments I listed. I think they'd help. Also, Arcane Laboratoryt with your epic spell would work well.
Back to Basics might help to control the early game and Caustic Tar will accelerate your opponent's deaths.I would also recommend Child of Alara as the general instead of that silly hydra.
Snapcaster mage.
huh, learned something new today.
Really? I always thought that it was the most recently printed copy that was the standard for its predecessors.
Rancor is not common...
Sideboard Tormods crypt.
I'd try and help, but Green is literally my worst color. I can't build a green deck to save my life!
Oh! Didnt know they reprinted it. =)
Moldervine cloak is uncommon.
True, but they don't have a nifty ETB effect.
Good Suggestions, all a little on the expensive side (mana cost) though. I did toss in Lavinia.
Help me build a good sideboard.
lol, yeah. =)
Mana Leak Then.
All help is welcome!
I see your logic. I tend to lean towards Memory Adept because I love to mill, especially when tormods crypt is standard. No worries. I am the same way when I try to speak spanish. =)
Id run counterflux. Your opponent can't answer it and that is always good for you.
Better than the memory adept?
Not bad! I like the idea. It is very creative. I do have one suggestion, you should toss in some more counters. The blistercoil weird just seems a little to vulnerable to spot removal.
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